This thread won't be complete until we get Duppin in here to deny the RR was deleted and to deny that he's in denial. Also, there needs to be a mangina somehow involved with the deletion for the event to truly be in conformity with forum precedents.
Also, what the hell. Every time I go ~2 weeks without posting something weird has happened. Some guy turns out to have fucked and impregnated a deformed dwarf monster, a bizarre jerry springer story about multiple illegitimate children between two posters crops up, pedophiles are exposed, someone's revealed to be a transexual, somebody fakes their death, nets are eliminated, then reinstated and named after a mod, a longtime (I think?) poster gets banned for posting mutilated babies, a subforum gets deleted, someone gets voted in as top asshat, or the entire website gets deleted, replaced with another website run by a magina, then replaced again and then the one verified female poster turns out to be a drug addicted xbox-slinging, manipulating creature accompanied by nudes.
It's probably a good thing there's never been an all-encompassing meetup. I'd miss it and find out later everyone got murdered by a poster due to an argument about MMO color palettes.