Kubla Kas_sl
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I see. Mostly my opinion is just as a regular viewer who hasn't delved too deep into the story outside of the movies and that one animation. Sounds a lot better the way you describe it.
It says he starts there and returns to his home planet to save it. Sounds like they want to do a lot, which is usually the right idea for an action movie. If hes beating up aliens, being up bounty hunters, then beating up traitors then going back to his planet to kick more ass... well thats all an action movie really needs. Its really too early to tell how good the movie will be, and I won't make much judgement until the trailers come out.The summary sounds more like a "Pitch Black" sequal over a Riddick sequal. If that is the plot point I am less inclined to watch this in theaters. I was all for continuing the story into the "Underverse" in the hopes of seeing this place discussed so much in chronicles. Just going to another planet infested by some sort of alien group using mercenaries as a shield while he beats them down feels like a "Riddick Light" movie.
Yeah, I thought the Riddick games were pretty badass. Always wondered why they weren't more popular.Escape from Butcher bay & Dark Athena games on steam are pretty fun too. Butcher Bay every has X to the Z as a prison guard.
The character is played by two different actors.Best part of the first two movies was the pasty white boy/girl growing up to be a sexy female action star.
Correct. That fact doesn't really have much to do with anything here though. I'm simply commenting on how hollywooded up the sequel was.The character is played by two different actors.
Your downer for the day.