It means there's fewer viable strategies for winning the game.
Oh jesus...
Getting into the Strategy of the game is a massive can of worms.
So many variables.
I don't know how DoTA works in this regard, but in League you can normally slot in a couple champions that can all perform a similar strategy. Does this mean there are less strategies compared to DoTA? I really have no idea. The DoTA meta is alien to me at this level.
Few champions have a meta that revolve around them. If you draft such a champion then you are basically screwed since the enemy team will know 100% how to counter it.
No LoL champion has an ability that can just 100% win the game, there is always "outplay" possibly... up until the point your team has been out-scaled or is gold starved.
The bigger thing is Champion Synergy. 2 or more champions that work together extremely well and create their own "strategy". This is where the % usage lowers, you get compositions that are near-identical due to synergy.
And it's up to other team to break up the synergy... or allow it... if they think they have a counter prepared.
And then there are champions that are just overtuned and have very few lane counters, so they win hard early and scale hard late, and these are the champions usually targeted for nerfs.. and get banned 100% of the time.
As you're saying, and as with DotA, the meta changes patch to patch. We (DotA) just seem to always end up with a higher usage percentage at the big tournies because teams tend to follow their meta + their own region's style of play. And meta also seems heavily defined by whatever "flavor of the month" hero everyone forgot about but some pro made work in a random game. So yea, TI will end up with something like 100+ different heroes played. I'm doing my compendium predictions now and having to answer some of those types of questions. Oh, and I don't think anyone in DotA has ever been fined by their organization for picking a certain hero that wasn't "in meta" (which is a story I only barely remember and could have completely out of context). In fact, the whole organizational aspect of LoL is so wildly different it is hard to wrap my head around.
A lot of the initial "dumbing down" aspect of LoL that gave it a bad taste to me back when I started trying to play it (after playing dota for a while), was some more fundamental things that you probably couldn't change.
- No denying creeps
- No turn rate
- Lack of "requiring" multiple screen map awareness b/c of the difference between Flash and a Blink Dagger, for instance
- Immediate access to information on opposing team, their items, skill cooldowns, CS
- Timers on screen for Blue / Red spawns, etc...
- No stacking or denying jungle camps (another level of ward / vision metagame)
- Teleport management
- Courier management
A few things like that, I guess. A few of which have definitely been addressed over the past 4 or so years I've watch LoL. It seems to have become a little more active and not just 15 minutes of a 1v1 PvE game. None of it really makes me thing LoL is any more dumb that DotA, it just makes me think of it as a fundamentally different game. One that I enjoy watching but cannot stand to play after years of playing DotA. Laning in poverty tier LoL is so much easier after years of dota though. I consistently out CS'd everyone in each game. Of course I had no idea wtf any of the heroes or items did, so still ended up losing like 60% of them.
Creep denial is always the #1 thing brought up between the 2 games... Would certainly make the game a whole lot different. Mechanically it would increase the skill level.
Strategically I would argue it's less skillful than the psudo-creep denial League has.
Laning requires more timing and strategy to ensure your opponent misses the creeps, or is put at risk for a jungle gank. When to push a lane and when to "back" (tp/courier management) so as to not miss creeps is very important.
Rest of list is kinda mundane. Multiple map screen awareness is definitely required at the higher levels of League.
Timers were added because everyone was using a 3rd party addon for a while
Lack of information is always a top complaint with League. For some reason they refuse to make good tool-tips... I think it's better, but still not perfect.