Persons who own, lease or otherwise have written permission to take deer on properties of at least 640 contiguous acres, or not less than 150 contiguous acres if adjoining land with a current permit, may apply for antlerless deer permits and tags to authorize the harvest of a specific number of antlerless deer on the enrolled property during the established deer hunting season. A group with adjoining lands may apply together, provided the total combined acreage meets the acreage requirements. Learn more about the Antlerless Deer Permit Program.
My land lurkadurka. If it’s on it I can do what I want. Shit that’s trespassing in florida and this is a stand your ground state!Well, we know you don't have 640 acres, and that you need to register to hunt on your own property. Are you okay with breaking the law, getting a fine, and potentially spending time in jail?
Also herp derpWell, we know you don't have 640 acres, and that you need to register to hunt on your own property. Are you okay with breaking the law, getting a fine, and potentially spending time in jail?
All antlerless deer taken on lands enrolled in the Antlerless Deer Permit Program must be tagged with an issued antlerless deer tag
Folder even during WW3 you are somehow the least chill dude. I do admit it's sad you are locked up while pedophiles, trannies, dog fuckers, murders, sickos, losers, and douche cunts roam free.
You do realize that makes you less chill than even that. For shame little dude for shame.
Those people don’t understand that VR has a plan. Maybe they should try trusting it for once instead of being beagles.It is good shit. And SOME PEOPLE are way too invested in their game will never launch prediction.
Those people don’t understand that VR has a plan. Maybe they should try trusting it for once instead of being beagles.
Those people don’t understand that VR has a plan. Maybe they should try trusting it for once instead of being beagles.