Points will expire in 7 days. It is requested yet again that you please take a few extra seconds and spoil questionable content in a SFW area, and in that particular thread the posting of bodies, serious injurys etc out of respect for your fellow forum goers.
Have a great Christmas
It defaults to 30 days, the final is determined as a group once other amod can weigh in.From 30 days to 7???
What happened?
Did you fuck up?
Lightning Lord Rule if this is the new standard for gore, i.e. guy with a blood stain, I foreesee a lot more reports and a lot more work for the Amod team in 2023. YGWYFD and Mike Brown thread alone should generate at least over 1,000 reports.
I think it's rather mild and I also think it's a reasonable compromise to ask posters to take the two seconds to add spoiler tags. Our tough guys posters always want Amod to just tell people to toughen up without realizing we reject a lot of reports. Compromise means sometimes you aren't going to like the incredible burden of adding a spoil tag. Instead of just muttering about pussies while doing it you just have to take a stand because you aren't anyone's bitch! It's tiring. I'm sure you will destroy me with your witticisms about how in the right you are. I'm not asking you to bend to authority I'm asking you to consider that you are in a space with other adults who might have a different view than you and don't give a shit about them then who exactly are you posting for?
"This is what Araysar gets for being too damn lazy to use spoiler tags. Had he done that this would have been avoided." --Denamian
It wasnt because I was lazy, it was because there was no need. The post didnt violate any rules.
Here's what I posted. Show me the gore. The worst I see is some blood on some guy's face. None of those guys are dead, they are receiving medical care.
This isnt gore.
Blazin I know some faggot reported me and you felt compelled "to do something" -- but you fucked up.
Gavinmad thanks for pointing this out
Lightning Lord Rule if this is the new standard for gore, i.e. guy with a blood stain, I foreesee a lot more reports and a lot more work for the Amod team in 2023. YGWYFD and Mike Brown thread alone should generate at least over 1,000 reports.
Bro I reported you for gore a few days ago. Spoiler that shit. I will continue to do so until you are rehabilitated.