I do not post anything different than what others post. LLR made up a bunch of bullshit and gave me an ultimatum because he is a pussy hurt bitch. He can eat shit.This is basically a play right out of Manessa's playbook of insisting something it true because you say it is. Manessa "owned" us all. All the way into a permaban. Its Weimar O'Clock Schlomo. Can you count to 110? Or are you just as dumb as that man-she? Your reaction to LLR's request pretty much tells me you had enough hubris to follow through or have the impulse control of Foler at a Jogger gay bar. Either way, we all know where this road eventually leads. See you in three months.
You argued that the words "x comes from data source" mean something other than x comes from that data source. You are a low IQ retard no matter how much you pretend you aren't.Once it became apparent thatwormie would always respond to bait, it was only a matter of time. The bait just had to be juicy enough and had to be placed at the right place (pol threead)
View attachment 480998
I do not post anything different than what others post. LLR made up a bunch of bullshit and gave me an ultimatum because he is a pussy hurt bitch. He can eat shit.
You argued that the words "x comes from data source" mean something other than x comes from that data source. You are a low IQ retard no matter how much you pretend you aren't.
Oh sure sure. The statement "this comes from here" does not mean that the thing comes from wherever "here" is. You just keep telling yourself that.I could explain to you the anatomy of a SERP and how its basically a collection of widgets assembled from different data sources but why bother?
You're in here and I'm out there.
How is you getting rickshawed part of some ultimatum? You were always going to end up in the rickshaw due to your own incompetence.I do not post anything different than what others post. LLR made up a bunch of bullshit and gave me an ultimatum because he is a pussy hurt bitch. He can eat shit.
You argued that the words "x comes from data source" mean something other than x comes from that data source. You are a low IQ retard no matter how much you pretend you aren't.
Oh sure sure. The statement "this comes from here" does not mean that the thing comes from wherever "here" is. You just keep telling yourself that.
So you are still claiming that "data comes from source X" means something other than the data coming from source X? You are only lying to yourself.Its amazing how little you understand search result pages. Pretty embarrassing for some who claims to be high IQ.
To reiterate the point again, the dictionary search bar widget on Bing is powered by Oxford. The results below are whats called Rich Results or Rich Snippets are and are usually plucked from high ranking pages and inserted into a SERP as additional widgets. Its why there is a separator line between the dictionary search bar widget and the Rich Results
So embarrassing that low IQ goyim have to explain this high tech stuff to you.
Wut? "Do as I command or get rickshawed" is an ultimatum. Stopped reading after that first sentence, clearly retarded.How is you getting rickshawed part of some ultimatum? You were always going to end up in the rickshaw due to your own incompetence.
So you are still claiming that "data comes from source X" means something other than the data coming from source X? You are only lying to yourself.
The links are not the same thing as the definition of the word. Do you know the difference?I cant help you if you can't understand how SERPs work.
Its like you're picking up a book that is a collection of essays from different authors and arguing that the autho of the first essay wrote all of them because its the first name you saw.
Do the 10 blue links also come from Oxford?
The links are not the same thing as the definition of the word. Do you know the difference?
You are only lying to yourself.LOL, have fun in the shaw, Shmooly
I got you rickshawed and then literally broke you into screaming the same thing over and over again
View attachment 481019
Oh I would not call it that. Araysars mental gymnastics are actually pretty impressive.This is fucking pathetic.
I do not post anything different than what others post. LLR made up a bunch of bullshit and gave me an ultimatum because he is a pussy hurt bitch. He can eat shit.
You argued that the words "x comes from data source" mean something other than x comes from that data source. You are a low IQ retard no matter how much you pretend you aren't.
Phazel didn't spell anything out. He wrote mostly nonsense as usual and nothing more. Nothing he said was in any way meaningful or correct other than the last two sentences. And no, I don't need to figure out how to fuck dogs so I won't be looking at whatever bullshit you are offering.Phazael already spelt it out for you, but let's see if you're smart enough to decipher this
Ossoi’s Diesel Lamentation, Insulin & Domination thread - a sub AMA or ODLIDTASAMA for short
I'm guessing with his hands. I've had enough of you! Hello, here I am in your thread!www.firesofheaven.org
Phazel didn't spell anything out. He wrote mostly nonsense as usual and nothing more. Nothing he said was in any way meaningful or correct other than the last two sentences. And no, I don't need to figure out how to fuck dogs so I won't be looking at whatever bullshit you are offering.
Why are you making assumptions about my impulse control? Are you really in a position to know anything about it?Just like everything else, the OG Manessa was better than the Jewish soft reboot from Hollyweird. You literally suicided by AMOD and it took you two words in one post (a record for the ages) all due to having the same impulse control as Stevie McBolt-Ons. Saying something is true because you insist on it did not work for Manessa, and that dude was flat out crazy. You are just an asshole. It is NEVER going to work for you because you keep going back to the same well that's been already been figured out by some retarded Austrian painter over 80 years ago.