NATO source states that Ukraine was begging NATO for 200 tanks
Why would they be begging for NATO tanks when they've supposedly captured 15,000 Russian tanks?
welp, although he's been doing good with his opsec posts, foler drugged then raped our only black team member and then fled the country
guess his misadventures in ukraine are over
Theyre literally calling them too retarded to operate a tank
Why doesnt he just for an aircraft carrier and some ICBMs?
THink big Zelensky! Then just negotiate down to 500 tanks!
As I said back when Crimea happened, we should have left Syria for the shitshow it was, and given Russia a strong military response.
Zelenksy and his ilk are idiots for thinking that the West had their back. The only thing the West wanted was to flip Ukraine to fuck with Russia. And if Ukraine gets turned into a desolate moonscape? Oh fucking well, I guess? I wonder if Zelensky has woken up to realize that he was just a tool and that the West will watch Ukraine burn. But here's some small arms...not to win...but to stalemate them long enough that maybe we can negotiate with Russia over Ukraine's broken corpse!
What a fucking shitshow. It just pisses me right the fuck off.
If Ukraine is just a pawn to fuck with Russia as you say, why should we have given Russia a strong military response over Crimea as you demand?
I'm not sure I buy what he says at face value. I mean, they could use them, but they probably couldn't use them well.
But then again, why does no one ask WTF happened to Ukraine's tanks? They had well over 1k tanks at the beginning of the war. That's not a small number. Where'd they go? Are they all stuck deep in the East? Were they all abandoned? Destroyed? Attrited in the early hours of the war? Or did all of the farmers and Romany steal Ukrainian tanks too?
If you Google for something like "Ukrainian 1st Tank Brigade", you get...nothing. That's an interesting red flag, nyet?
I honestly wish that I could read Russian, because it's things like this, andphisey 's propaganda spam, that makes me doubt the narrative the Western MSM and Ukrainian propaganda arms have been putting out.
I mean, feast your eyes on this gem:
The Ukrainian Army Has More Tanks Now Than When The War Began—Because It Keeps Capturing Them From Russia
Ukraine uses many of the same models of tanks that Russia does. There's evidence that at least some of the Russian armor the Ukrainians have captured has been put back into use ... shooting at
But back to Zelensky asking for 'heavy weapons' and tanks, so that they can take back Mariupol...ignore the obvious WTF? in all of this for a second (you couldn't hold it against Russia, but you think you can take it back?) and let's consider a bigger question: Ukraine did surprisingly well using dispersed partisan tactics with disposable missile systems, against a high risk gamble by the Russians to take Kyiv. So now...what's changed? Russia fell back and went to a more traditional approach, and started flattening every defensive position they could find. What is Ukraine going to do now, as a counter? What's their strategy here? Suddenly they need armor units and combined arms tactics to dislodge Russian forces?
The bottom line here is that Ukraine's early successes were largely opportunistic, and when Russia fell back to grinding out long campaigns, Ukraine couldn't adapt and now the shoe is literally on the other foot.
And now my thoughts are really that...either Ukraine still has an ton of tanks, but they're ill-positioned and can't be re-deployed (kek), or they've largely been wiped out or captured (and they've been awfully quiet about it).
So I mean, why would anyone want to give Ukraine hundreds of tanks? I wouldn't. And not because Ukrainian tankers couldn't be trained to use them, but rather...why the fuck would you give Ukraine tanks, when it's likely they're just going to drive them straight into Mariupol to get torn apart? If they had any aptitude in combine arms and armor, wouldn'tphisey be posting far more propaganda regarding their success? If they still have armor, why ask for handouts? If all their armor is gone, then why throw good after bad?
I called this weeks ago, but this is the 'bad day' that I said Ukraine was going to have, when Russia pulled back and changed tactics.
NATO isn't going to jump in to help. And they aren't going to give big dollar systems to Ukraine. They aren't going to enforce a no-fly zone (LOL). They are going to be ground down by Russia if they don't negotiate and aren't willing to give up some demands or cede certain demands to Russia. And the longer this goes on, the more cities will be flattened, the more Ukrainians are going to be evacuated, and the less willing Russia is going to be when it comes to offering concessions.
And they want 200 tanks? They would just be an extraordinarily expensive bandaid that Russia would love to peel off as painfully as possible.
Bro this is so much text no one can read this slim it downI'm not sure I buy what he says at face value. I mean, they could use them, but they probably couldn't use them well.
But then again, why does no one ask WTF happened to Ukraine's tanks? They had well over 1k tanks at the beginning of the war. That's not a small number. Where'd they go? Are they all stuck deep in the East? Were they all abandoned? Destroyed? Attrited in the early hours of the war? Or did all of the farmers and Romany steal Ukrainian tanks too?
If you Google for something like "Ukrainian 1st Tank Brigade", you get...nothing. That's an interesting red flag, nyet?
I honestly wish that I could read Russian, because it's things like this, andphisey 's propaganda spam, that makes me doubt the narrative the Western MSM and Ukrainian propaganda arms have been putting out.
I mean, feast your eyes on this gem:
The Ukrainian Army Has More Tanks Now Than When The War Began—Because It Keeps Capturing Them From Russia
Ukraine uses many of the same models of tanks that Russia does. There's evidence that at least some of the Russian armor the Ukrainians have captured has been put back into use ... shooting at
But back to Zelensky asking for 'heavy weapons' and tanks, so that they can take back Mariupol...ignore the obvious WTF? in all of this for a second (you couldn't hold it against Russia, but you think you can take it back?) and let's consider a bigger question: Ukraine did surprisingly well using dispersed partisan tactics with disposable missile systems, against a high risk gamble by the Russians to take Kyiv. So now...what's changed? Russia fell back and went to a more traditional approach, and started flattening every defensive position they could find. What is Ukraine going to do now, as a counter? What's their strategy here? Suddenly they need armor units and combined arms tactics to dislodge Russian forces?
The bottom line here is that Ukraine's early successes were largely opportunistic, and when Russia fell back to grinding out long campaigns, Ukraine couldn't adapt and now the shoe is literally on the other foot.
And now my thoughts are really that...either Ukraine still has an ton of tanks, but they're ill-positioned and can't be re-deployed (kek), or they've largely been wiped out or captured (and they've been awfully quiet about it).
So I mean, why would anyone want to give Ukraine hundreds of tanks? I wouldn't. And not because Ukrainian tankers couldn't be trained to use them, but rather...why the fuck would you give Ukraine tanks, when it's likely they're just going to drive them straight into Mariupol to get torn apart? If they had any aptitude in combine arms and armor, wouldn'tphisey be posting far more propaganda regarding their success? If they still have armor, why ask for handouts? If all their armor is gone, then why throw good after bad?
I called this weeks ago, but this is the 'bad day' that I said Ukraine was going to have, when Russia pulled back and changed tactics.
NATO isn't going to jump in to help. And they aren't going to give big dollar systems to Ukraine. They aren't going to enforce a no-fly zone (LOL). They are going to be ground down by Russia if they don't negotiate and aren't willing to give up some demands or cede certain demands to Russia. And the longer this goes on, the more cities will be flattened, the more Ukrainians are going to be evacuated, and the less willing Russia is going to be when it comes to offering concessions.
And they want 200 tanks? They would just be an extraordinarily expensive bandaid that Russia would love to peel off as painfully as possible.
War crimes