Bro gypsies are scrawny rats.Think it depends on the setting.
I can imagine you in a gypsy prison like Rorschach.

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Bro gypsies are scrawny rats.Think it depends on the setting.
I can imagine you in a gypsy prison like Rorschach.
Lmao @Nirgon and everyone else talking Pennies on how much they pay for daycare. I literally pay 80k A YEAR for daycare
Yikes jealousy looks poor on you gypsylol imagine bragging paying 80k for daycare.
without having any kids
what a retard
surprising when even Ukrainian snipers look like this
Lmao bro we’re on like month 4 of Russia invasion and Russia is making ZERO headway
Life is coming at you FAST bro. You take the kid to the doc yet? Gotta get her on the right AIDS medicationukraine just needs 5,000,000 more javelin missiles and $387,000,000,000,000 more dollars and they got this
mariupol every day stories.
Life is coming at you FAST bro. You take the kid to the doc yet? Gotta get her on the right AIDS medication