More proof god is useless. Took him that long? What a limp wristed fag.
I bet he believes in God now.
Well he had an Iron chariot, god has problems handling those. Judges 1:19 and all that!More proof god is useless. Took him that long? What a limp wristed fag.
If Man and Woman were created in his image then God IS the third gender making xir a tranny and because god is everything he can be a lizard and a shapeshifter at the same time.I expect and even appreciate flatchads like Lumi coming in here to shit on someone who was essentually his enemy.
You otherwise rational godfags, however, can fuck right off. God, lizard shapeshifters, and 3+ genders do not exist.
If Man and Woman were created in his image then God IS the third gender making xir a tranny and because god is everything he can be a lizard and a shapeshifter at the same time.
Checkmate atheists!
Can anyone tell me what Hawking actually did for science? You know, besides basically nothing? Dudes a genius because he came up with some theories, the majority of which were never even proven to be true that even if proven to be true, have no impact on society whatsoever.
This is probably the most ignorant post to ever appear on this forum. Well done.