I hesitate.
On one hand, I can see naming the area delineated as the 'Retard' area after Woolygimp. Dude had real actual issues.
But one another hand, I can see it as an insult to him. Dude had issues, yes, but he wasn't a retard. He was not stupid. He was just...
He wasn't even a true 'Rickshaw Connoisseur' the way say, Eye-Anus, Picasso, and even Mario have been over the years.
I mean to say that they have dwelled there and have had fun there, not that they are retards (far from it). If I was to name the Shaw after anyone, it would be one of them. And it would not be because they are retards, but rather that they are ardent soldiers who frequent the front lines.
Not to mention, Woolygimp was not nearly as cool and as solid as Gravy. I feel that to compare the two of them by giving Wooly an enshrined forum, is actually a bit of an insult to Gravy. Gravy was literally one of the best people we ever tricked into posting here. Wooly was.... not.
I am sad to see our friend go, but let's not get carried away. He was no Gravy.