A while ago, but I've explained this already. It's not that simple lol. They invert it. If you're brave enough, you can watch the whole surgery on YouTube, I double dare you. Why does it matter? Plenty of trans people don't want surgery. Personally I had to jump through hoops to get mine early because I wanted it so bad, but not all trans people do and that's okay. I'm still going to get called he/it, so it doesn't really matter. Let's not turn this into a trans thread though, despite what many of you might think, I don't want that. I actually did look for that one first, but anyways, was just popping in here to say hi...... and mayyyybbee just a little bit to show I got rid of the pink and purple hair haha. Although apparently I'm still fugly and don't pass. Biiiitches.
Those rock climbing pics are really awesome. Seriously cool. What's this documentary about tiny Asian chicks using their small size to defeat big scary rocks?