RL Picture Thread


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Just mad they don't have the self control and discipline to stop being a fat tub of shit.

My one vice is my soda habit, always the high test version. But if I gave those up, I would be getting into prime-meth-era Wizardhawk levels of skinny, so it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
  • 1Moron
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I mean some of us weren’t ever fat tubs of shit to begin with, so there’s that.
Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield

Conspicuously, the ones claiming not to be fatties almost never post pictures. Weird.
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<Silver Donator>
I'm not a fatty. I post pictures.

I also don't watch my weight or diet. My literally shaking rage keeps me fit.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield

Conspicuously, the ones claiming not to be fatties almost never post pictures. Weird.

I already posted my pics back in 2008-2009 or so. Hadn’t ever worked out, dropped 25 lbs of skinny fat and got ripped abs and some muscle. You could probably find them if you really want.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I already posted my pics back in 2008-2009 or so. Hadn’t ever worked out, dropped 25 lbs of skinny fat and got ripped abs and some muscle. You could probably find them if you really want.
"Guys, I'm actually not fat and super shredded. Just look at this photo of me just out of high-school!"

Thanks for the decade and a half old reference point. Very Al Bundy of you.
  • 5Worf
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
"Guys, I'm actually not fat and super shredded. Just look at this photo of me just out of high-school!"

Thanks for the decade and a half old reference point. Very Al Bundy of you.

You seem pretty rustled that you were such a behemoth fat faggot at one point. 360lbs or so, was it? God damn dude.
  • 2Worf
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Good on you for setting a goal and making it. But I would up your shaving game a bit, that dirty sanchez thing you got going on is not optimum.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Comparison photo I forgot I had. Maybe I've already posted it before though.. 🤷‍♂️

View attachment 516517

Gang shit.

View attachment 516518
Did your skin bounce back or did you get surgery? Your arm skin doesn't look loose at all. Maybe you were young enough but I always remember that being a thing with a bunch of those Biggest Loser people and it seems like a shitty reward for losing the weight.
  • 1Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Did your skin bounce back or did you get surgery? Your arm skin doesn't look loose at all. Maybe you were young enough but I always remember that being a thing with a bunch of those Biggest Loser people and it seems like a shitty reward for losing the weight.
Theres a guy in my gym that has that issue. He got some balloon or something in his stomach and changed his diet and started exercising. All of that made him drop some huge amount of weight. Its crazy to me that you cant really tell how bad his skin is with his pump cover, etc., until you see him in the locker room and it looks like he's had 15 kids sucking on his titties for the past 10 years. I personally am way to vain to not have that shit cut off immediately. Ive only recently starting noticing my receding hairline and even thats driving me nuts currently.
  • 2Solidarity
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Did your skin bounce back or did you get surgery? Your arm skin doesn't look loose at all. Maybe you were young enough but I always remember that being a thing with a bunch of those Biggest Loser people and it seems like a shitty reward for losing the weight.
So, I lost the weight over a period of about 7-8 years (with a LOT of different "plateaus" at various points). Started around March(ish) of '09 and I weighed the lowest I've ever weighed(outside of like Freshman year of HS or some dumb shit like Seananigans Seananigans is trying to claim, obviously) around Nov. '16 (179lbs.).

Because of this, I didn't get a lot of the skin problems most massive weight loss people get. Usually because they go extremely calorie deficient, because your BMR at that weight is actually pretty fucking huge. And they usually do so as a result of some sort of GI surgery (which mostly just force you to "starve" yourself via extreme nausea, pain, etc.). I just did it via diet and exercise(although I never fucked with cardio as my job had me walking 10-15 miles/day. I only lifted) and I still ate "normally", aiming to lose around 1lb. or so/week. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. Kicking regular soda helped jumpstart me a lot when I was still an omega fatty, because I was dieting and exercising pretty heavily, yet still not really losing weight(1lb./month at most). That's when I started really calorie counting and realized how many calories I was drinking/day. I was so obsessed and autistic about it that I can still identify the rough calorie count contained in most meals/serving sizes to this day.

The best part about being omega fat though and working out/exercising is that your BMR is crazy high. Then when you add on the energy/calorie requirements to move that much mass, you're able to eat like an absolute hog. I was consuming probably 3k+ calories a day when I was still really fat, yet still losing weight. That's the part my inner fatty misses the most.

That said, I still ended up with some loose skin around my midsection (you can see it a little bit in that comparison photo). But everywhere else it either didn't happen at all, muscle helped "fill" it in, or my body just naturally adjusted because of how slow the weight loss was.
You seem pretty rustled that you were such a behemoth fat faggot at one point. 360lbs or so, was it? God damn dude.
Difference is I was fat then. You're fat now.
Good on you for setting a goal and making it. But I would up your shaving game a bit, that dirty sanchez thing you got going on is not optimum.
Here you go bro - I grew out a shitty mustache for Movember and prostate awareness month (I do it every Nov.)

I call it.. "Minshew Madness".

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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
You seem pretty rustled that you were such a behemoth fat faggot at one point. 360lbs or so, was it? God damn dude.
I honestly didn’t even know it was possible to weigh that much. Especially as a 5’ 10” man..
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
I call it.. "Minshew Madness".
You still got that neck/underjaw fat. May wanna see if a doc can remove it to give you some semblance of a chin bro.
  • 1Worf
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Ya'll rough af on ol' boy. lol

He’s an antagonistic faggot who hasn’t earned an ounce of goodwill. Good for him for not STILL being a 360lbs behemoth fat fuck but lol @ ever getting there in the first place.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
You still got that neck/underjaw fat. May wanna see if a doc can remove it to give you some semblance of a chin bro.
Let's see your Gigachad jawline bro. Post it up for us to gawk at in awe.
Ya'll rough af on ol' boy. lol
I have massively thick skin and not just because I was a fatty McFats. I come from a long line of shit-talkers. Most family gatherings were just non-stop shitting on each other.

You really think a couple of balding dorks on an internet forum who are too chickenshit about "doxxing" to post pics rustle my jimmies? Lulz.
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