Robin Williams found dead


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It's Tiburon. Big, beautiful homes. But, they're not LA, I doubt that.
Maybe he found out his third wife was a gold digger too. Seems odd to me that he cut one wrist and then hung himself with a belt. In fact it makes little to no sense at all. If he was in debt, and given the circumstances of his 3rd wife not even finding him within 12 hours, leaving without telling him where she was headed, or even saying good morning because she thought he was sleeping (Not to mention last I checked married people, unless in fights, typically sleep in the same bed) I would think Law Enforcement would be more interested in foul play more than they are. Either way, the wife not being there for 12+ hours, leaving without saying anything, not staying in the room, and the circumstances of one (not two?) slashed wrists and hung by a belt doesn't really make two and two go together.


Molten Core Raider
Maybe he cut himself with a noose around his neck and then kicked the chair out. Double your money.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I watched the strongest most stubborn man I know slowly die over the last ten years of his life. My Dad. He died over 2 years ago in a nice cozy hospital, with family around him. He was moaning as he body slowly filled with fluid, cutting off his ability to breathe. I had to beg, cajole and flat out threaten nurses to do their fucking job, and explain to my Dad's oh so fucking wonderful primary care doctor, that Dad was fucking done. 3 Days before he finally died, this fuckwit who had been his main contact with health care for 30+ years (Whose own Dad was my Dad's doc before he died) talked my dad into getting a shunt put in for dialysis. (Read extra money for the hospital) with the explanation that he would be dancing out of there in a few days with that treatment. (75 years old with a LOT of miles on his body. Trouble walking for 8 years now, had to have a scooted for anything over a trip to the bathroom.)

My 3 older sisters all wondering and crying why Dad was not fighting after the dialysis. I pointed out to them that they only visited Dad, pretty much on Birthdays and holidays, and he was putting on the strong front for them. He was fighting, but fights end. He should have died 39 years before he did, when he had a massive heart attack and he fought through it. About 15 years later they do some tests and do an angioplasty thing and discover that after his major heart attack his body built it's own fucking bypass around a clogged artery. Or maybe 15 years before that when he was in a plane crash in the Air Force, and severely fucked his neck up getting out of it and hopping to the ground with his breath mask still hooked up and almost snapped his neck 3 feet from the ground. (He had to cut that tube with a knife pretty damn fast).

Anyways, Dad chose to die. He stopped the dialysis because they were causing horrific pain to him and he was just tired of hurting. I finally got hospice to come help, and in a few hours the extra morphine that they were allowed to give him over the hospital amount let his body fail and die.

Many people talk about how suicide is weak, or cowardly, or giving up. Yeah I can see a little bit of that side of the pain. But I also see the side of my Dad. He lost his fight, after 75 fucking years. Good ones, and bad.

I think noone on this green earth knows what Robin Williams knows how many times he fought his demons. How many times he won against them. They only know this time that he lost.

Both of those men I spoke about are heros of mine. Both made me laugh and cry, both made my days brighter, it is a shame I only knew one of them.

Godspeed Mr. Williams, I hope you went to see about a girl. And Dad, I'll keep watching over Mom and the girls. Bum a smoke from Mr. Williams and teach him the ropes.


<Gold Donor>
I can't stand Rush Limbaugh, but that article is just as cherry-picked as some of the shit Rush himself does. Read the transcript of it here and decide for yourself, because I don't think what Rush actually said is even remotely close to what that article says. True, Rush uses it as another attack on leftist media, but when someone else turns around and writes a shitty fucking article like that one, who is more of a douche? Honestly I think this is just another no-name troll looking for hits on his article, which is becoming more and more of a thing these days. Sad thing is, because it is Rush, and because people believe everything they see on the internet now, almost everyone that reads that assumes it is true.

Robin Williams and the Pop Culture Media - The Rush Limbaugh Show


Millie's Staff Member

i want to add that i realize a lot of people do not like this guy's videos, but this one in particular was very powerful and very intriguing. it probably wont make anyone feel any better, in fact i feel fucking terrible after watching that, but i simply had to post it. had to.


Pay to play forum
Why does a death of a random celebrity upset you guys so much? I dont get it at all. Does it suck for his family? Yes, sure and I hope they can cope with it, but why would I be particular sad about it? Guess I just dont get it.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, why be sad when somebody who made you laugh and be happy is gone forever? Just because he was on a screen and you didn't know the guy doesn't mean he didn't make you feel anything .


Pay to play forum
Hhmm, I guess I seperate between actor and movie character. The movies and the characters he impersonated are still around.

Anyways, I was just curious. You can feel whatever you like *shrug*


Karazhan Raider
I thought it was some Took that created golf, but apparently it was Mork.

RIP, Mr. Williams.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well, one aspect of it is that in many cases we associate these individuals with a time in our lives that we are already wistful for: our childhood. Your formative years may have been filled with watching his character portrayals in many movies and TV shows that you really liked as a kid, as episodes like this can serve as reminders of mortality in general.


<Prior Amod>

i want to add that i realize a lot of people do not like this guy's videos, but this one in particular was very powerful and very intriguing. it probably wont make anyone feel any better, in fact i feel fucking terrible after watching that, but i simply had to post it. had to.
tldr? version

it's fricking 1hr long and he's already boring the first min in.


Lord Nagafen Raider

I'm about half way through it. It's a pretty decent narrative about Robin's life from the point of view of someone who enjoyed what Robin stood for.(Respected the guy)

He's pretty brutal on some points and I don't agree with everything he describes as Robin's motivations, but it was a good watch for the facts I didn't know. (I was born in 82, lots of holes to fill)

First video that I've seen from this guy, but I've seen his stuff mentioned before.

The Ancient_sl

Hhmm, I guess I seperate between actor and movie character. The movies and the characters he impersonated are still around.

Anyways, I was just curious. You can feel whatever you like *shrug*
He was a personality as much as an actor. Very funny stand-up, interviewer, etc. A lot of the characters he created wouldn't be the same without him, is this really that difficult to understand?