Rocksmith 2014 now with custom DLC


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Personally I feel the game hits it's stride where you already know the fretboard and can move around it fairly comfortably. Perhaps even know some of the techniques the game tries to teach you like bending and harmonics before picking it up. But even at zero knowledge the game will teach you how to play. It ramps the difficulty of the song based upon your ability.


FPS noob
i picked it up to learn guitar and it seems to think I am way smarter than I actually am. imo the hundreds of "learn to play guitar" on youtube are way better than RS to learn the basics, only after you can move around the fretboard as Tenks says is it worth picking up RS. The very first few lessons feel like they are way beyond me. Also I'd buy a guitar at a store instead of online, getting it to "feel" right in your hands is pretty important.

I'm left handed but bought a right handed guitar online (a $100 Kona acoustic) and I sometimes wonder if I have made a mistake, I feel like a retard moving my hands around the fret and may go into Guitar Center to try a few different guitars.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Bought this game, along with a guitar from Guitar Center the same night. Never got too far into it, but I know nothing of guitar, and it was pretty easy to see me getting better in it the short few hours I put into it before stopping.

I suppose it would be easier if you knew a bit about the frets, but the games scales down the songs to 1 note at a time until you can handle that, and the coolest part about RS is that mid-song it'll scale up if it sees you are hitting everything just fine. I got to the point that it was starting to throw in chords, and I'd fail every single one of them during a song, and so still in the same song it'd scale back down to just single notes. haha


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I got this for my birthday and have just now had time to start putting in time per day.

Basically I have a negative amount of musical talent and ability, if that were possible. These last few days have felt like I am 13 learning how to masturbate again; things hurt, not entirely sure where my hands go, hard to hit any rhythm, but may be fun solo. After 20 years of the former I guess two days isn't fair to judge the latter. Also not posting in the music house because those guys intimidate me. I'm trying to play a video game at this point, maybe improve a little.


Doer of Things
Right there with ya Intrinsic. Started Chords 102 today and fuck if my hands don't hurt. I am enjoying some of the "Learn a song" modes between the lessons.


Still a Music Elitist
Post in the guitar forum. Don't let us guitar nerds intimidate you. We're a very friendly and helpful bunch. At least I'd like to think so.

I'm very happy a game like this came out that can help people gain some guitar chops. I haven't played it, but I have a feeling you miss out on the theory and you can get too dependent on their system to figure out what you're doing. I heard you get used to playing without looking at the fret board; which is a plus if you plan on playing live at some point. No matter what you may think of it, this is a great tool to get casually interested folks involved.


Molten Core Raider
Companies really need to throw money at these types of games and make them affordable. I started playing guitar because of Guitar Hero now I own 3 guitars a Ukelele and a Mandolin. Games like this can really get people in to music and I love it. Video Games doing good.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Post in the guitar forum. Don't let us guitar nerds intimidate you. We're a very friendly and helpful bunch. At least I'd like to think so.

I'm very happy a game like this came out that can help people gain some guitar chops. I haven't played it, but I have a feeling you miss out on the theory and you can get too dependent on their system to figure out what you're doing. I heard you get used to playing without looking at the fret board; which is a plus if you plan on playing live at some point. No matter what you may think of it, this is a great tool to get casually interested folks involved.
The game teaches you zero theory. It doesn't aim to do that really. It just aims to teach you how to cover music. Eventually you'll pick up on certain patterns and scales that are widely used throughout music so you can get better at writing your own licks but you'll never learn why the chords are the way they are, what the various names of the chords are/mean and how to name a chord based upon looking at the fingering of it. Which is fine for 99% of the audience.

I liken it to learning to program with a technical degree versus a computer science degree. One will let you hit the ground running and, if given the motivation, can learn the theory behind. The other gives you all the background and leaves it up to the individual to choose how to implement the theory.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I also find I can play the guitar much better w/o the Rocksmith interface. For some reason my brain locks up and my hands refuse to move in the interface. Case in point I can play the intro to Carry on my Wayward Son in my sleep. Once I boot it up in the interface (even though it uses the same tab I know the song from) I can't play the fucking intro anymore. Same deal with Welcome Home. I can play the intro to that ... except for in the RS interface.
can someone help me with downloading this for my ps3 im not very tech savy so i have no idea. do i download on the commputer and leave it there or do i some how put it on my ps3.


Molten Core Raider
Quick note that Smithys Anvil website is no longer current for this. Custom Forge has superceded it :

Sign In - CustomsForge

Nothing else has changed. ie install D3DX9_42.dll into your RS folder. Make sure you own Cherub Rock, then download songs into your Rocksmith/dlc folder to use them.

Youtube guide here for new users :

There is a new section on the forums dedicated to CDLC content for learning guitar skills and theory. Be interesting to see how it goes :Sign In - CustomsForge


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I think I'm about 30 days in to playing it. Computer was down for about a week couple with another week of travel for work, so really broke the habit of practicing / playing around each day, need to get back in to it. But there was absolutely progress and it was a lot of fun. The custom DLC or whatever worked great, think I used a purchased version of a Radiohead song for the Song ID part.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It makes your life 1000% easier to just buy Cherub Rock since everyone assigns that as the song. I don't see how saving $2 and fucking around with each song to assign it to whatever DLC you actually bought is worth it.

Also I can't recommend enough Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here. It isn't a horribly difficult song to play as long as you're decent with your major chords but it feels so satisfying to play it.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I honestly don't even know what you're referring to. When I got the program from Custom Forge back in February it batch converted every DLC I got from torrent and assigned it the ID of the Radiohead song I had bought prior to getting the full game (think it was during the Steam Holiday sale). It was literally one click....

Oh.... we're talking about the custom DLC already being assigned Cherub Rock and not me stealing all the DLC, think I understand now.


Molten Core Raider
Can anyone comment on how Rocksmith 2014 is vs. the Original? I bought the original version for PS3. I eventually stopped playing it soon after based on the amount of loading screens and the constant having to retune the guitar.
Also, did anyone pick it up for the PS4? I'm wondering how it plays on the system since thats what I would be going for. I've read stuff about input lag caused by HDMI cables. Would it be better to just buy it for PC then? I'm tired of watching my guitar just sit and collect dust.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Buy it for PC. There is a wider selection of custom DLC and load times are a ton faster -- at least compared to PS3. You no longer have to tune your guitar every song anymore. You just tune it once at the start of your session and only re-tune if you need to change the tuning on the guitar for the song.