

Early access on Steam for this indie title. It looks interesting. Anyone playing this one at the moment? Some comparisons to Minecraft meets DayZ.




I have a bunch of friends playing, and based on the Steam screenshots, I think this game would be right up Fedor's alley.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Been in the alpha for a while. The game isn't bad, but don't bother for another 6 months at least. There just isn't really any content right now. The basic frameworks are there of resource gathering and building construction, but it's completely bare bones. Like, unless they've made a colossal update in the last month or so, the building is limited to floors/ceilings/walls/ramps essentially, and the resource gathering is just hold mouse 1 on rocks/wood/animals and hope to not get murdered by someone else while doing it. It does do some interesting things with structures being destructible and having your character remain in-game asleep when you log out, but for now all that means is someone will teleport in to your house via hacks and take your stuff while you aren't online.

It could be a good game once it nears a real release, but unless you're an absolute nut for the survival/pvp genre I'd pass for now.

Oh, and yes, penises everywhere.


Oh, and yes, penises everywhere.
This is incorrect and has been patched out of the game. From what I've been told the only way to view penises at this point is via a console command. So if that's a selling point, fedor, you can still get your fix.

The crafting system also allows you to construct a variety of items. Armor, Weapons, Weapon Mods, Housing Materials, Medical Supplies, Explosives and Gathering Tools. You gather blue prints by killing zombies or trading with other players and learning them will allow you to craft the item. There are multiple servers hosted by a variety of individuals. Finding the right server is key to your experience whether you're looking for PvP, PvE, or a mix. The game is on par with DayZ for the best zombie/survival standalone game. As per usual it helps immensely to be playing with some friends for added defense against base raids and to pool your resources.

Unfortunately almost all the servers are being DDoS at the moment so buying now wouldn't be advised unless you can deal with possibly not being able to play. They are working on a fix so check the main site for updates on that situation.


Trakanon Raider
George R.R. Martin ddosing Rust because he wants the floppy soft penis monopoly?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The individual appears to be from France and is DDoS the servers because Garry, the creator, currently isn't allowing home made servers to be hosted. This is according to a Reddit post on /r/playrust.
Isn't allowing or hasn't provided the ability to do so yet?


So the guy is a moron then, or it's just a publicity stunt or something.
Agreed, he's a moron... but this seems to be a trend as games are allowing people to pay into early alpha builds... it used to be that beta for most games was an extremely selective process, with the sole intention of selecting the most dedicated players with communication skills and experience to find and squash bugs, and to contribute towards improved mechanics, content, and gameplay.

the same core of well-intentioned players still exist, yet companies do this alpha pay-in as a cash and marketing ploy which may give them some funding and traction, but seems to usually just contribute to premature bashing and a general shitshow

does anyone remember when we used to have to basically provide a beta resume to get into beta for games? devs dont care anymore.. it's all a gamble to get the most money upfront, and it usually fails.

minecraft was an exceedingly rare example of a game that did it sucessfully, and I don't see the current generation of gamers responding to the wave of paid alphas as judiciously as they did with minecraft, even if it was just a couple years ago.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I don't really mind, for long-time gamers beta time is sometimes the most fun time to play a game because of all the zany shit that happens and the various forms the game takes.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
This isn't the first or the last time the game has gotten dosed in to the dirt. It's got a pretty shit community in general that is mostly comprised of everyone from DayZ that just wants pure pvp and clan combat faggotry.

It'll probably be an alright game in another 6 months or so, but it's in about the same shape as DayZ right now in that there just isn't much there.


A Mod Real Quick
This game is fucked up. Hacking is pretty prevalent too, even on the official servers. It's sort of fun until some asshole kills you for no reason.

The Penis-Guy stuff got me interested


This is a great game, but I noticed it doesn't save your shit from one server to another.

Built up this nice shack in an awesome resource area and hunting area and server crashes... oh and apparently you can't "favorite" servers either.


What's the deal with all the wangs? Do you start off naked and have to make clothes, or do people get killed and have their clothing taken?