Their top export seems to be super models instead of terrorists. Good Guy Brazil.
Brazilian super models - Google Search
And smoking hot actresses .

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Their top export seems to be super models instead of terrorists. Good Guy Brazil.
Brazilian super models - Google Search
good thing brazil don't export terrorism or stuff even though they live like shit. they keep it to themselves.
Their top export seems to be super models instead of terrorists. Good Guy Brazil.
Brazilian super models - Google Search
Wearing any type of jewelry or holding a phone makes you an instant target to get robbed.
It always blows my mind when tourists in developing countries roll around with expensive jewelry on. What the fuck are you thinking? The only people you are going to impress are the criminal who will rob you of it. Leave your gold shit in the hotel safe.
Fuck you, you faggot. These men are American greats. Brazil deserves worse treatment. They should be honored Americans even stepped foot on their tainted ground.
Better advice would be to stay the fuck out of any piece of shit country where you need to worry about being robbed for wearing name brand clothes.Or sporting fancy name brand logos unseen in the region is a huge give away.
Dress generic and roll low key. Everything is better, especially pricing.
They ought to be stripped of their medals at the very least. The Olympics is supposed to be about showing the best of humanity not being a drunk thug in someone else's country.
Better advice would be to stay the fuck out of any piece of shit country where you need to worry about being robbed for wearing name brand clothes.
It always blows my mind when tourists in developing countries roll around with expensive jewelry on. What the fuck are you thinking? The only people you are going to impress are the criminal who will rob you of it. Leave your gold shit in the hotel safe.
They ought to be stripped of their medals at the very least. The Olympics is supposed to be about showing the best of humanity not being a drunk thug in someone else's country.
The Olympics is about banging other athlete hardbodies