Hes lucky not to get kidnapped, beaten and then beaten again for being a douche and ransomed off for cash in that country. He got off easy-peasy. Fuck him and his entitled ass. LOL, vandalizing a gas station shitter.
Shut up cad, the dude is a ass and deserved a little fear bestowed upon his douchyness. Way to repersent, there Lochtite.
Sorry being an ass doesn't not warrant being held at gunpoint.Shut up cad, the dude is a ass and deserved a little fear bestowed upon his douchyness. Way to repersent, there Lochtite.
At gunpointHe got had for $50. I would nto call that a robbery, I would call that a donation for not getting your ass beat by locals in a strange country that you just vandalized their shit.
Why is "white" being brought up? I have a hard time feeling bad for the guy and I'm certainly not some white-hating SJW. He's dumbass who got drunk and out of control in a known crime-ridden shithole. Then makes up some half-true story and gets his buddies in trouble. Was there a crime? Ok, sure. Does that mean Lochte is not a fucking idiot? No. Can't we all agree you can hate on more than one thing in this scenario?
Dude, I don't think this is because he is white. It's because he's a hugely popular American Olympic athlete. This is more that he's American, than that he is white, in my opinion.Because you know and I know this wouldn't be a news story if the Bangladesh swimming team had gotten in some kind of $10 altercation at a gas station and then gotten robbed at gunpoint. It'd be, LOL BRAZIL
But since he's a white american cocky ass Michael Phelps wannabe, its national news if he gets drunk and fucks up in Brazil. Where getting drunk and fucking up is the national fucking sport.
I've earned the Brown Medal.I thought Brazil's national sport was big butt Brazilian anal sex?
Dude, I don't think this is because he is white. It's because he's a hugely popular American Olympic athlete. This is more that he's American, than that he is white, in my opinion.
I don't see how they can print "he lied about being robbed at gunpoint." He literally was robbed at gunpoint. What actions he took that precipitated that robbery he lied about. Fucking unreal.
The dude was not robbed. He made a deal for cash. Either you pay for the damages or we call the cops. Simple exchange upon the understanding that he would get to slide without the police fucking up his good time.
also I hear that the gun was pulled because he was being a beligerant ass hole.
Plus the dude is a fucking douche. My wife called it right when he was making that initial claim of robbery at gun point. She said, lol this dude is lying like a mo-fo. He made Americans look like ass in the wolds eye, even more so than what they thought before.
He will be fine. He will land some cush job as a coach in some college somewhere where he gets to look at young chicks asses.
Why is "white" being brought up?
Deluz said he had stopped at the gas station around 6 a.m. on Sunday after working a party all night. There, security guards had confronted the swimmers about a bathroom door they apparently forced open.
When two swimmers walked off, Deluz says one of the two security guards put one hand on his gun and pointed at the ground, telling the men in Portuguese to sit. The other guard stood by but did nothing, Deluz says.
"There was no aggression. Pointing a gun at them? Never. There was nothing like that," Deluz said during an interview with The Associated Press.
Deluz said he began to translate when he realized the swimmers did not understand the guards.
"That is when they started saying, 'No police. Please, don't call police!"' said Deluz.
Two days later, upon reading Lochte's initial account of a robbery, Deluz says he was surprised to learn that the men were Olympic swimmers.
"They made a lot of mistakes," said Deluz. "But the worst was that they lied about what happened."
Worthless little third world pissant saw three wasted Gringos and saw an opportunity to feed his zika babies for the next five months. So he pulled gun and robbed them.
How is that even complicated?