Title: Sausage Party (2016)
Tagline: Adventure is on the menu
Genre: [GENRE]Adventure[/GENRE], [GENRE]Animation[/GENRE], [GENRE]Comedy[/GENRE], [GENRE]Fantasy[/GENRE]
Director: [DIRECTOR]Conrad Vernon[/DIRECTOR], [DIRECTOR]Greg Tiernan[/DIRECTOR]
Cast: [ACTOR]Seth Rogen[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Kristen Wiig[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Jonah Hill[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Salma Hayek[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]James Franco[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Edward Norton[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Michael Cera[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Nick Kroll[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]David Krumholtz[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Paul Rudd[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Bill Hader[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Danny McBride[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Craig Robinson[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Anders Holm[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Sugar Lyn Beard[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Conrad Vernon[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Ian James Corlett[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Michael Daingerfield[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Jason Simpson[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Vincent Tong[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Karen E. Wright[/ACTOR]
Release Date: [RELEASE]2016-07-11[/RELEASE]
Runtime: [RUNTIME]83[/RUNTIME]
Plot: Sausage Party, the first R-rated CG animated movie, is about one sausage leading a group of supermarket products on a quest to discover the truth about their existence and what really happens when they become chosen to leave the grocery store.[/MOVIE][/CONTAINER]
Because what the fuck right?