Slightly off topic, but related. This isn't so much about the label of scientist.
What about the notion of separating people who consistently interpret the world with the mindset required to accurately employ the scientific method and those who do not. One of the greatest goods in the scientific method for me personally comes down to a few things. Mainly its an acknowledgement of just how flawed I might actually perceive reality around me, and two its a challenge to always be vetting my best understanding of anything. Now clearly I am no scientist, but if I had to choose between groups of people, I want to go chill with the scientists. I try my best to understand their knowledge, I appreciate the effort and the diligence required to find a verifiable and sharable truth.
The documented trail of knowledge is what really sets Science apart from other forms of perfectly knowable information. For example, using Tuco's steak. You most certainly can craft an artisan's steak through understanding of things like smells, aroma's, heat and other shit. Maybe the best steak imaginable can only be created by some kind of esoteric talent. A close approximation of that perfect steak could clearly also be made if you understood ever aspect of flavor and texture as a function of their molecular interactions. You can put limits on time on heat that allows certain juicyness.
A recipe is precisely that, a generic bounding of a "good" steak can be made following a simple cook book. I think people who think in this manner can solve problems much easier than those who do not, and maybe that's the selling point I find most compelling in my everyday life. We are all sufficiently poor at being rational at all times. Applying this approach is a challenge at best and impossible at worst given the circumstances we might find ourselves in.
I really think when comparing people like Sarah Palin and Bill Nye is that it comes down to is those who will listen to Sarah Palin understand truth as a faith based endeavor. This is an enormous challenge. For example - talking age of the Earth with my Aunt. She interprets my position as an alternative version of faith - and not an empirical investigation of the Earth. This is a remarkablely difficult idea to convey. Telling her that we can go verify some of these claims ourselves falls deaf on her ears as she never approaches any problem in her life in this way. My understanding is that she sees Science in about the same light as Islam - A different - but wrong choice. By believing in the age of the Earth I do, I'm just making a wrong choice vs being educated by verifiable data and facts.