What you are doing is confusing taking something on faith for abandoning reason and rational thought when instead it only applies to the acquisition of specific knowledge.
No, I'm not.
What you are doing is attempting to compare two things which are not similar. There is no faith involved in trusting in the scientific method, because we see the results which verify the validity of the scientific method all around us in our daily lives. Every car we drive, every cell phone we operate, every airplane we fly in, every building we walk into, every bridge we cross, verify that the scientific method works.
I reject the definition you want to use here, that faith = trust or confidence. That is literally the Creationist argument. The Bible states that Faith is the "Substance of things hoped for, the reason to believe in things unseen" which is the exact false definition you are seeking to utilize here.
Faith in this context is belief without justification.
Let me make this perfectly clear: Even if you don't understand how the scientific method works, and even if you have never read a single scientific paper in your life, the fact that the scientific method is what has been used to modify our planet to make it easier for us to survive, and that evidence, which is in our faces every time we turn on the oven or the microwave or the television or pick up a cell phone, verifies the confidence people have in the scientific method.
Religion has never, and will never, be able to make that claim. They attempt to, by declaring all the world is evidence for the existence of their god, that the very fact that nature is ordered is evidence for their deity, but the fact is that religion has never given us a single substantive benefit that we can point to and say "Here is the reason we have confidence in the idea that a magic man in the sky exists."
So, as I said before, only when Faith can power a probe to land on a comet after a decades long voyage through space traveling hundreds of thousands of miles an hour, will religion have a right to question the validity of the scientific method, or have any justification to attempt to create correlation between faith in magic sky men, and faith in demonstrably true things like the scientific method.
And I'm not rewatching a video I've seen 100 times just to please you. Go watch it again yourself. He very explicitly states that.