Every time I see "loophole" and "limitless", my bullshit detector starts ringing loudly.
The Article said:To exist, the 2D material had to be cheating in some way, acting as a 3D material in order to provide some level of robustness.
It turns out the 'loophole' was the random jiggling of atoms popping back and forth, giving the 2D sheet of graphene a handy third dimension.
I was gonna post the same thing but i stopped myself because in my head it sounded a bit nitpicky.This is where I finally checked out. Being 1 atom thick doesn't make it 2D you stupid motherfuckers.
Getting closer to abiogenesis (hiLumi ):
Metals promote sequences of the reverse Krebs cycle
Background info: The Reverse Krebs Cycle is a biochemical cycle that generates 5 precusors for sugars, aminoacids and other essential components of biological activity. It was considered core for all primitive organisms and couldn't be replicated with enzymes (which, of course, required organisms to make). More than half of the cycle appear now to be doable without any biological component...
Getting closer to abiogenesis (hiLumi ):
Metals promote sequences of the reverse Krebs cycle
Background info: The Reverse Krebs Cycle is a biochemical cycle that generates 5 precusors for sugars, aminoacids and other essential components of biological activity. It was considered core for all primitive organisms and couldn't be replicated with enzymes (which, of course, required organisms to make). More than half of the cycle appear now to be doable without any biological component...
Neat, an inch closer on the journey of a million miles. Now only 999,999.99 miles left!
They even named them Spermbots! This article delivers.You heard it here first: sperm are going to cure cancer.
Hijacked sperm carry chemo drugs to cervical cancer cells
This is a pretty amazing step forward in robotics:
Peano-HASEL actuators: Muscle-mimetic, electrohydraulic transducers that linearly contract on activation
No man has ever attempted a pickup line that good.You heard it here first: sperm are going to cure cancer.
Hijacked sperm carry chemo drugs to cervical cancer cells