I can't imagine a thumbnail like that being anything but completely serious and not clickbait!
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A warning to autists: uses an image of phages towards then end while sort of discussing current pandemic. Proceed at your own peril.
A warning to smooth brains: contains complex numbers. Wear a helmet!
I liked when the dots fled civilization and went to live in the wilderness.
Here you go smooth brain:Why do dead people give pressure on the living in his simulations? It's cute, but not well thought out.
lol, here comes the super genius. 2000 years of mathematical theorization. Nah fuck that, some guy made a video.Here you go smooth brain:
If you look at 5 you will see the -k*i(t) term. This is the change in the number of recovered or dead (those that cant get the disease anymore one way or another) people at each time step. The number of recovered (or dead) reduces the number of those who can still get sick and thus there is a "pressure" on the remaining population.
Of course I am 95% certain you just looked at images bouncing back and forth, called it pressure and spewed stupid shit into this thread. But its ok, the -k*i(t) term is a negative number and thus is incredibly confusing if ones brain is smooth. Dont be concerned, we understand.
As opposed to some furry who has dismissed both the fields of physics and epidemiology in their entirety so far. Relax smooth brain, anyone with above average IQ here already knows you are a retard, you cant hide it so there is no need to pretend.lol, here comes the super genius. 2000 years of mathematical theorization. Nah fuck that, some guy made a video.
Some complex numbers arent real, but all real numbers are complex!
Electronics made from Skin
One day, we may be building electronic devices from our own skin. Melanin, the pigment responsible for coloring our skin and hair, could be one of the building blocks of the bionic implants and technology of tomorrow.
Using a newly discovered technique, scientists can drastically improve the pigment’s ability to conduct electricity. In fact, Italian nanoscientist Paolo Tassini and his colleagues have managed to increase the conductivity of melanin a billion times over.
Typically, eumelanin, the most common form of melanin, is composed of millions of sheets piled chaotically on top of each other. The group of researchers has discovered a method for heating up the material in a vacuum to radically improve its conductivity. During the process, the sheets are brought out of disarray and arrange themselves in a parallel configuration.
It is thought that eumelanin may take the place of metals in bioelectronic devices like brain implants in the future. The pigment is naturally produced in our bodies, and for that reason, our immune system is more likely to accept it than a substance like copper.
So I've been doing a lot of reading on the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment...Its kind of freaking me out. Anyone got any decent layman books on the subject specifically?
Its freaking me out because I had always assumed that interaction during measurement is what collapsed wave functions. So the "observer" didn't need to actually record data, merely the act of measurement itself brought returned a wave function to a discreet particle. This made sense to me, because to measure something you need some kind of interaction, and I imagined interaction forced the 'wave' to coalesce at a certain point (I know that's not how it really works, its just how I imagined it).
But the delayed choice quantum eraser proved that's not the case. I'm not sure how familiar you guys are with the original quantum slit experiment, but you can look it up on youtube. Here is what is fucking freaky about the delayed choice version. The scientists were able to rig it so the measurement happened, but the data of the measurement would not be recorded until AFTER the quantum wave hit the wall. In half the cases, the data would be scrambled and thus no one would be able to tell what was measured (But it WAS measured), in the other half of the cases, the data would be fine to read.
Here is the thing...If the data was scrambled, there was a wave pattern...If the data was readable, it was a particle pattern...But the patterns showed up BEFORE it could be known whether the data was readable or not, and whether the data was readable did not affect how the measurement was done. So the wave pattern was measured both times...But somehow whether it was a particle or wave was determined by whether it was recorded, despite the fact that whether it was recorded happened AFTER the pattern showed up.
This violates causality no? It would somehow mean the pattern itself determined whether the data could or could not be recorded...or somehow, the recording of the data affected the pattern in the past.
Am I just not getting this? Does anyone have a little more information or is more experienced or have some other good source of information?
So I've been doing a lot of reading on the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment...Its kind of freaking me out. Anyone got any decent layman books on the subject specifically?
Its freaking me out because I had always assumed that interaction during measurement is what collapsed wave functions. So the "observer" didn't need to actually record data, merely the act of measurement itself brought returned a wave function to a discreet particle. This made sense to me, because to measure something you need some kind of interaction, and I imagined interaction forced the 'wave' to coalesce at a certain point (I know that's not how it really works, its just how I imagined it).
But the delayed choice quantum eraser proved that's not the case. I'm not sure how familiar you guys are with the original quantum slit experiment, but you can look it up on youtube. Here is what is fucking freaky about the delayed choice version. The scientists were able to rig it so the measurement happened but information about the path might have been known or unkown. (They did this with entanglement, video below) Here is the thing...If the data was scrambled, there was a wave pattern...If the data was readable, it was a particle pattern..But the patterns showed up BEFORE it could be known whether the data was readable or not, and the act of measurement itself didn't affect anything.
This violates causality no? It would somehow mean the pattern itself determined whether the data could or could not be recorded...or somehow, the recording of the data affected the pattern in the past from the entangled particle.
Am I just not getting this? Does anyone have a little more information or is more experienced or have some other good source of information?
So I've been doing a lot of reading on the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiment...Its kind of freaking me out. Anyone got any decent layman books on the subject specifically?
Its freaking me out because I had always assumed that interaction during measurement is what collapsed wave functions. So the "observer" didn't need to actually record data, merely the act of measurement itself brought returned a wave function to a discreet particle. This made sense to me, because to measure something you need some kind of interaction, and I imagined interaction forced the 'wave' to coalesce at a certain point (I know that's not how it really works, its just how I imagined it).
But the delayed choice quantum eraser proved that's not the case. I'm not sure how familiar you guys are with the original quantum slit experiment, but you can look it up on youtube. Here is what is fucking freaky about the delayed choice version. The scientists were able to rig it so the measurement happened but information about the path might have been known or unkown. (They did this with entanglement, video below) Here is the thing...If the data was scrambled, there was a wave pattern...If the data was readable, it was a particle pattern..But the patterns showed up BEFORE it could be known whether the data was readable or not, and the act of measurement itself didn't affect anything.
This violates causality no? It would somehow mean the pattern itself determined whether the data could or could not be recorded...or somehow, the recording of the data affected the pattern in the past from the entangled particle.
Am I just not getting this? Does anyone have a little more information or is more experienced or have some other good source of information?