Idk but it's not gravity. The whole theory is full of holes. Like why doesn't it affect any other bodies of water? Why would there be two high and low tides a day that actually occur over 24 hours and 50 minutes. How the fuck does that make any sense?
Let's move past this.
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Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and, to a lesser extent, the sun on bodies of water. The earth's water bulges/moves toward and away from the moon(/sun), while it becomes shallower in areas perpendicular to the pull. Thus, there are two complete tide cycles per day.
Tides occur mainly in oceans because that is basically one huge body of water that is free to move all over the earth. Lakes and rivers do not cover enough area to have their water be moved significantly by gravity, or in other words, to have tides.
Answered by: Justin Clifford, High School Student, Alpine, Utah
One more time. Slightly slower for you.
Ocean tides occur because the water flows from locations with a low tide to those with a high tide on the other side of the world. On the other hand, the world’s lakes are not interconnected,…
All the seas and oceans around the world are connected. Water can freely flow between them. That’s the reason tide can occur on them.
On the other hand, lakes are isolated from one to another. Water cannot freely flow between them. That is the reason tide in meaningful amount cannot occur on lakes or any other bodies of water.
When a location on the sea has high tide, the volume of water increases and this additional volume is supplied from another area where a low tide occurs. In other words, water flows from locations having low tide to another having high tide.
In lakes, this cannot happen. Even though the Moon exerts the same amount of gravitational force, there’s no way the additional volume of water can be supplied to cause a high tide.
The same thing happens to other bodies of water., including rivers, ponds, pools, etc. Tide cannot occur because water cannot flow freely from or to another location having the opposing tide.
Tides do occur on lakes, but with a much smaller scale. The tides in the Great Lakes is less than 5 cm. Consequently, the Great Lakes are considered non-tidal.
Flat-Earthers often consider the lack of tides in lakes as “a failure of modern science to explain the nature” or something like that. In reality, there is no such problem. Science can sufficiently explain tides. It is just they don’t understand them.