Guess we will see if other colliders and Fermilab are able to reproduce the results. Otherwise, a big hoopla over nothing.Yeah there's a bunch of stuff out there on it. Could end up being a huge thing once the precision is on point. that 99.999 percent thing isn't hyperbole either, but for this kind of thing the accuracy required is crazy precise.
Yeah, but this already is a reproduced result to higher precision of a result from 2001. It needs to get to 5 sigma of precision before it would be officially announced and that will take more precision instrumentation and another round of reproduction of results, but it's gone from 3 and change sigma from the 2001 Brookhaven result to 4.2 with this one. When it comes to stuff like this you want no room for error so 99.999 percent precision isn't good enough, but by it's close enough to be very interesting.Guess we will see if other colliders and Fermilab are able to reproduce the results. Otherwise, a big hoopla over nothing.
It is interesting to ponder though.
Oh shit, I missed the 2001 test part. Fucking cool, thanks bro.Yeah, but this already is a reproduced result to higher precision of a result from 2001. It needs to get to 5 sigma of precision before it would be officially announced and that will take more precision instrumentation and another round of reproduction of results, but it's gone from 3 and change sigma from the 2001 Brookhaven result to 4.2 with this one. When it comes to stuff like this you want no room for error so 99.999 percent precision isn't good enough, but by it's close enough to be very interesting.
View attachment 347311
Bottom number is what Muon spin adjusted for quantum foam is mathematically supposed to be, top number is the measured spin.
I mean like I mentioned it's still not quite up to exact precision standards so it could possibly be bullshit, but it really seems to be on the right track.Oh shit, I missed the 2001 test part. Fucking cool, thanks bro.
Don't worry. I was a straight A (~18/20 here) in physics until I hit the moment where they started quantum mechanics. One year, 18/20 average. Next year, 3/20 average.I was always interested in studying physics but was held back by my double digit IQ.
When I started college I was in my 40's. I took Chem as my hard science figuring I had it in high school back in the day, and it should be pretty cake. The first week we begin discussing the quantum-mechanical model of atomic structure. I was like "what happened to the Bohr model I remember being taught?" Professor was like "we did away with that a long time ago, we use mathematical 3-d quantum mechanical models now. Its all math". I was like "FML."Don't worry. I was a straight A (~18/20 here) in physics until I hit the moment where they started quantum mechanics. One year, 18/20 average. Next year, 3/20 average.
There is a wall in physics beyond which you fall into the abyss of incomprehension.
After all these decades, I remember two things from High school Chem... burning different materials and watching the flames change color and throwing sodium into water so they explode.Whenever people start talking about particle/quantum physics I always think "they could literally tell me anything right now because this all sounds like nonsense". A big consideration when I chose electrical engineering was that there was no chemistry because I hated it in high school. Then again high school chemistry then was mostly memorizing the periodic table. I hope that's not still the case because it seemed stupid then and it would be much more stupid in the age of the internet.
Since it was invented by a white guy, do libs and BLM refuse to acknowledge the existence of the periodic table?Memorizing the periodic table is retarded but the table itself is a marvel and should be and is still studied. Fucking thing predicted electron and shell configuration well before anyone even dreamt of electrons and quantum physics.
The periodic table is a symbol of white supremacy and oppression. Its invention is responsible for spirit murder of untold POCs, POC aligned and POC-self-identifying and is one of the prime examples of white men committing cultural genocide, through the denial of other ways of knowing reality, done in order to uphold the power of the whiteness and to support other tools of oppression like logic, reason, scientific method, reading, writing, discovery of the wheel, etc.S
Since it was invented by a white guy, do libs and BLM refuse to acknowledge the existence of the periodic table?
My high school chemistry teacher showed us some chemicals that got colder when they reacted, that was kinda cool.We did the sodium exploding thing too. That must be a universal.