I haven't watched Lithose video yet but let me be very specific in what I mean. The equation you brought up describes the way in which gravity affects objects but it doesn't describe why.
I get why when I push a pencil it moves because at some level my hand's molecules are bumping into the pencil's molecules. I don't understand the physics that cause that pencil to be drawn to my hand without me touching it. It's as if there are nearly infinite strings factorially attached to every particle in the universe, pulling them to one another. But there are no strings. At least none that we know of. That shit blows my mind.
ok...you need to check that video. because if you don't understand gravity how it is intended today, you won't be able to get the whole phenomenon
in few words....the idea you have of gravity is like Newton believed it worked....like there was an invisible elastic string that pulled objects torward each other. This concept of gravity however is wrong. We have gone beyond it and improved it
sure, Newton's equations are right, mathematically right. But it's how he pictured gravity that is wrong (not his fault, he was an absolute genius but simply science was not advanced enought)
fastwordard a couple centuries....new mathematical discoveries are made that helped Einstein create his Theory of General Relativity. In his theories, Einstein understood that gravity was not an "attraction effect" between 2 objects, but actually.....the Mass of an object bending Space-Time
that video explain it very well. The property of Mass, has an effect that distort and bend the space around it. This distortion created a "gravity well" that influence other objects around it
The exact why hasn't been figured out yet. I believe that's the last piece of the quantum puzzle and why the Higgs boson is so important. Confirmation of this boson will explain how gravitational force is transmitted.
<-----Not a physicist, I understand maybe 1% of this shit.
ok let's clear some doubt here. The Higgs boson is NOT responsable for gravity. This is a misinformation due to incompetend journalists and documentarist not doing their work
We don't actually know how and why the Mass of any object interact and bend space. We use the name Graviton to describe an hypotetical particle, but it's never been theorize and we have no frigging idea how and where search for it. It's just a placeholder idea
Now, what is the Higgs Field and the Higgs Boson? and what they do ?
They Higgs field was theorize 37 years ago by Peter Higgs. He, together with another scientist (who didnt won the nobel only because he is dead), theorized that the entire universe is permeated by a field
A particle (let's say n Electron) passing trough this field, interact with it. The Higgs boson is the particle that mediate this interaction between the field and the Electron. This interaction "gift" the Electron with mass
This is why the Higgs was so important. It was the explaination why particles....EVERTHING.....has the property of mass. The only exception to this is the Photon who doesn't interact with the field at all (infact Photons have no mass and are the only particle that can travel at the speed of light)
so, connecting this to what you know about gravity it means that:
no Higgs = no Mass
no Mass = no Gravity
no Gravity = no universe like we know today
no universe like we know today = we would fucking be here writing about the Higgs
EDIT - these 2 videos should help you