Right, let's just continue to ignore the most efficient manufacturers of energy that can be created in the entire universe and keep burning shitty coal and petroleum. Brilliant!Or solar is just dumb in general for powering cities.
Google "base load" and come back to us, D?dalus.Pretty bold statement, I doubt the most accomplished particle physicists in the world could accurately predict how our civilization will be powered in 100 years, much less 200 or 500, but Big P is confident that it will never, ever be solar power. This despite the fact that about 90,000 terrawatts (10^12 watts) of solar energy are striking the earths surface at any given time. Tell us more Nostradamus.
Fossil fuels have their applications, but they're noWhale OilSolar has its uses and applications, but its not powering civilizations. See the weather thread murry.
The measles essentially hone in on cancerous tumors and make them explode. The concept has proven successful in mice, but Stacey became the first person to receive a massive dose - enough to vaccinate ten million people.
"Which was alarming, and I was happy to hear that after the fact," Erholtz admits.
From the article it looks like the experiment was never carried out. I saw a comment once that said, "If your science article can be summarized as 'no', don't publish it." Not sure if it was an xkcd or SMBC comic.