Tidbit Scaledclaw_sl
- 1,015
- 1
Question Mughal or anyone for the Trion doing ArcheAge in the Euro as well as the West, will Trion be able to make a lot of the items in house for the cash shop?Just to be clear I think Archage might be happening, but it will be just translated rather than 'localized' and balanced for a Western audience. Trion does no longer have the money to develop new games so they are looking at low cost/high impact projects like publishing a game such as Archage.
Trion has been struggling for a long time. Their best employees are long gone and the EQN team has been able to pick what they wanted (have you talked to the guys at SOE Live? not the main famous dudes but the 2nd line guys? they all shipped amazing games and were there in a leadership role) since they have been in development for a long time.
Domino is amazing. Before her joining SOE there was little outreach beyond traditional 'marketing' and it was very hard to be heard. This is no longer the case.
I know there bringing this over here but since this game will have a cash shop with some type of hybrid sub model as well a well stocked cash shop is important to not only the PNL of the game but to Trion its self.