How is Islam right wing?
Right wing is typically associated with "Small Government", right?
No. YOU might think it is, but it is not at all associated with "Small Government".
Right-Wing can mean MANY different things. In the United States and most western governments, it is associated with conservatism (as again defined by Western Civ), nationalist ideology, traditionalism, religious traditionalist(and religious fundamentalism [this is important for your Islam comment so pay attention later]), classical economic liberals and totalitarianism fascism (not to be confused with totalitarianism communism).
For example, I am for a smaller, more efficient military. By that one view alone, I am for a "smaller government". But as soon as I say, "trim down the military", I am not lambasted by the left wing, I am lambasted by the right wing. So the right wing is for
certain parts of the government to be smaller. Do you want more DEA agents or more treatment facilities? Well, now both sides are arguing for BIGGER government, but in different capacities.
Right wing is associated with religion in general, it just so happens that you happen to live inside of a Right Wing dominated Christian exemption state your entire life, so you can't see that it's an exception at all. Those living under Islamic rule see the same thing. Religious rules and order intertwined with the fabric of the social order are a part of Right-Wing Ideology.
Abortion rights, same-sex marriage rights, contraception and the basic ideals behind evolution are all Right-Wing Ideals. Those ideals fall directly in line whether we are talking about Islam or Christianity.
So yes, Islam is a right wing ideology. Both in practice and in theory.
I mean if we take the pure part of government, most islamic governments are totalitarian and while totalitarian is not a "Left Wing" desire, big government with strong social control is one of their goals.
First off, you have to define what you mean by "pure part of government". YOU might have some idea of what that means and it might diametrically opposed to what your neighbor thinks "pure government" means.
What do you mean by a "pure part of government"? A "pure government" to me is simply any group of people that got together and said "Yo, these are our rules. You want in, follow this shit." and who have the means to enforce those rules. I might find those rules bad, amoral and wrong, but that is still a "pure government". "Government" on it's own doesn't mean good or bad. Nazi Germany was a government. The DPRK is a government. The United States is a government. So you need to define that term before we can move on with the rest of your statement.
Their "Goal" was more freedoms, and the impact is less freedoms as result of their actions.
So while their initial ACTION was "Right Wing" in nature, the long term RESULT is "Left Wing" in nature, hence people calling "False Flag" because of the disconnect between the action and result.
You just displayed a bias here that we have to address. You are stating as fact that Right Wing = More Freedom and Left Wing = Less Freedom. I need you to explain that because when I go back to New Mexico, the state says I cannot smoke weed on the porch of my house, but I CAN shoot coyotes that get their leg mangled in my fence. So which is giving me more and which is giving me less?