

has an outie
I'm getting ready to buy it is why I'm asking... there's at least one "race" coming, how many more are planned?

Other than just pvp what is planned? (Like HEX has pve stuff, HEX/MTG have draft, etc). Anything other than what's currently in(been watching streams)?


I've played all three resource types now in pvp and I was happy to have my first pvp success with order. I'm still not focused on any one type when it comes to collecting- whichever I have the fewest cards for I buy a single card now and I'm starting to actually be able to change the starter decks slowly. I was happy that even at my low rank of zero the reward for victory was pretty good! It also seemed that people enjoyed talking during the match and even if at times people commented to "hurry up" overall it was friendly banter.

I think this game may pause my intended purchase of Hearthstone. I've talked to my friends about Scrolls and while there was general interest as far as I know no one else is even considering purchasing. Folks still like to bring up Hex, but I'm not sure if they are really interested or if it just has buzz because it's on kickstarter.

I'll look to join the Rerolled channel when I next play- my handle is Mordious.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I am having some godawful luck with buying RNG growth cards. I really like growth's synergy. The deck really is incredibly efficient. But I don't even have a single Druid Grave thing and very few totems, and it is limiting my ability to do well. But, the Wolf Brother/Dire Wolf/Wolves and totems with a few enchantments is the way to go. You just need a lot of them.


I am having some godawful luck with buying RNG growth cards. I really like growth's synergy. The deck really is incredibly efficient. But I don't even have a single Druid Grave thing and very few totems, and it is limiting my ability to do well. But, the Wolf Brother/Dire Wolf/Wolves and totems with a few enchantments is the way to go. You just need a lot of them.
Druid Burial Ground? I've got two of those by luck and I still get my butt kicked with my growth deck lol. I've got 3 single energy decks now of which Order I've still had the most luck with. Soon as I have enough time I'll try and energy/order dual resource deck. Order seems to lack of defense.


So the dual resource deck bombed hard- I built a new single resource Energy deck with 16 creatures, 8 structures, 15 spells, and 11 enchants and it is fun to play! I had my 2nd victory (sooo many growth opponents) finally. I plan on swapping one structure with 1 more low lvl creature when I get one in my random scroll purchases.

Is there any interest in posting deck makeups?


Molten Core Raider
So the dual resource deck bombed hard- I built a new single resource Energy deck with 16 creatures, 8 structures, 15 spells, and 11 enchants and it is fun to play! I had my 2nd victory (sooo many growth opponents) finally. I plan on swapping one structure with 1 more low lvl creature when I get one in my random scroll purchases.

Is there any interest in posting deck makeups?
I played against a guy who had a deck with all three resources. I was confused at first. He kept putting down blockers with 1 hp, but each added a resource to a specific pool. Eventually, he had like 5/5/7, used the card to destroy all walls and give the number to the attack of a monster, then started roflstomping my ass.
God Hand Son !!!

Most people who play Growth are Dumb its all about creatures and Enchants, Growth should never use walls, atleast untill they have more Rat cards!! then our junkyards will be worth a shit!


has an outie
Real case of paper rock scissors atm. I can destroy growth as order, but energy destroys me.

edit: I rescind that comment. I finished my deck(2 cards away, close enough) and holy shit Order is amazing. It's like playing both blue/white during stasis/orb. After turn 4 I start to get complete control of the board. With all the removal/move(pother/etc), and damage spells, you can use relentless+buffs to one shot an idol when they don't expect - as in a game where people are kind of ok sacrificing two idols and defending the other 3 heavily. Control + burst/trample, yes please.


Real case of paper rock scissors atm. I can destroy growth as order, but energy destroys me.

edit: I rescind that comment. I finished my deck(2 cards away, close enough) and holy shit Order is amazing. It's like playing both blue/white during stasis/orb. After turn 4 I start to get complete control of the board. With all the removal/move(pother/etc), and damage spells, you can use relentless+buffs to one shot an idol when they don't expect - as in a game where people are kind of ok sacrificing two idols and defending the other 3 heavily. Control + burst/trample, yes please.
Order control decks are very good! I also agree with the paper rock scissors comment- that is why I play all three! Right now my heavy hitter is my single resource energy deck that goes for an iron ogre with a cannon automaton guard. If I can keep those two on the same row they are super effective- either buff for double ranged attack or lower the ogre's cooldown. I am seeing a trend where I'm winning matches with twice as much damage down as my opponent.

However- I had one awful match where my ogre ended up with 25 rounds until I could next use him due to stacking the double cooldown debuff. The person I was playing against had the nerve to say he messed up the order and should have frozen him first and then stacked. Needless to say- I lost that game.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Game is solid so far. Obviously needs instant speed or some kind of reaction cards added though. Growth is actually kind of bad once you start actually shaping decks and playing vs other people that have done the same. The starting deck is pretty far ahead of the others, but it loses that edge quickly vs anything designed well.
what kind of growth strats you guys doing? I kinda agree with the no wall thing. I did get smashed once against order because I let the guy build up too many of those relentless units! 4/3 wtf!


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The little 2 attack 2 health with 1 turn counter dude is my bread and butter. You can steal a lot of games from people just by getting him out early and positioning him properly, especially if you have one of the +2 attack enchants handy as well. Mid to late game the wolf summoner guys can get really rude if you have 1-2 of them on the back life just churning out wolves all over the place. The 3-turn poison enchant too is also kind of nice to removal things like tech priests etc hiding in back lines. Probably worth using at least 1 of the godhand cards to, as it'll randomly win you a game here and there.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea rallying is awesome and a lot more realistic to cast. I run just one godhand right now, and it's mostly just fodder for sacrifice, but every once in a while a game goes to 25 turns and it'll pull me out a win.

I still need more kinfolk braves if anyone wants to trade for other rares.


Trakanon Raider
Probably going to be picking this one later on and maybe streaming for a bit if I can get the basics. Been reading up and trying to figure out my starter deck, I think I'm going to go Order.. but possibly Growth.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Growth is rough right now because the starter is "broken", so EVERYONE rolls it and the price for growth cards is through the roof =\