We got a badass over here dot jpeg
Honestly though, we've been trained to ignore loading screens and item descriptions (well, they give lore in souls). Good to see it being used this way
Down to 7/10. The camera is fucking HORRIBLE if you are near a wall. It is not helpful having the camera focused on the enemies fucking knee cap while I can’t even figure out what is around me becaus tee camera has gone for a stroll.
Mikiri counter only works half the time, mostly because I hit the button too early, you know when the symbol comes up, causing me to roll and and get hit by an attack that actually missed me.
The lock on is stupid, drops if the enemy moves too quickly behind you (forced me to half to cheese lady butterfly) and that it drops when you die is dumb too. Yes, it’s easy to lock back on if you remember but f you don’t you are suddenly having the camera swing wildly around in some random fucking direction. That’s my fault, yes, but it could be handled better.
The two most infuriating things for me right now is how useless dodging is because most of the attacks are lunging with 100% tracking so I still get. And the other is that 100% tracking the enemy has even in the air. Watch the ogres drop kick for the most retarded example of this.
The stupidest is having to jump over the sweep attacks. My thumb is glued to the dodge button and going to hit jump instead of dodge is next to impossible for me nevermind the fact that when I do pull it off I end up jumping in some random direction which negates the purpose of jumping in the first place.
This game is not hard, it’s sloppy, cheap, and hard. The further I get the more apparent this game was developed using not what they learned from players but from watching people speedrun the others.
This is starting to feel like From Software’s ‘Gates of Discord’ except it’s good and doesn’t suxk complete ass top to bottom.
Also, I only use one weapon and one set of clothes so why does my sheath clip through my clothes at times?
Something about this game feels impcompete or last minute.
Just me venting, continue loving the game.
So to avoid spoilers and all but there is a cave on the wall in Ashina Outskirts - Stairs area and I've not figured out a way to get to it. Is it one of those things you need to come back and do later?
The game literally tells you how to destroy her and I'm convinced that most players (soulsbourne veterans and newcomers alike) simply aren't reading shit.
This pops up as soon as the fight starts for the first time: (it's also a move that you should have already practiced with Hanbei)
This was the first prosthetic tool you picked up: (the last sentence is the important part)
I beat her on my first attempt and didn't even have to heal once or use any snap seeds. Just attack a few times, do the dodge counter, and repeat. Knock her off the wires or out of the air with a shuriken for more free hits.
My problem with her is I can get to the second phase really easily and often without even taking a hit but I get over whelmed by the ghosts and weird butterflies in phase two and can get one shotted by her dash attack if I don't knock her out of the air while dealing with a ghost. Not sure where to farm snap peas so I went back to the first area.
Again, we just suckAre you actually using this move? I wasn't making a joke when I said that the game literally tells you how to destroy her with this tooltip.
This tooltip isn't simply saying dodge her moves and then attack, it's a completely separate move called dodge counterattack.
Again, we just suck
Are you actually using this move? I wasn't making a joke when I said that the game literally tells you how to destroy her with this tooltip.
This tooltip isn't simply saying dodge her moves and then attack, it's a completely separate move called dodge counterattack.
You can dodge and block butterfliesI think so as I get her into phase two in about 20 seconds of entering the room. I think RNG is just against me with her. Every time she fades into phase 2 she is a mile away from me and spawns a ghost and thing that eventually turns into a butterfly missiles before I can get to her. When I can try again I'll ignore the ghosts and see if I can burn her down before I get nuked.