after i killed snake eyes in the poison lake (more like a pond) the cave behind her was totally empty, looked like a HUGE area to have a boss fight, but it wasI think the headless ape has a couple conditions that have to be met before he appears.
whaaaaaaa, okay i need to get these fragments!Turning skill points into attack power.
after i killed snake eyes in the poison lake (more like a pond) the cave behind her was totally empty, looked like a HUGE area to have a boss fight, but it was
so the ape, that i've not seen, stops me from going to the misty village where you need to clear the mist (done).The Guardian Ape definitely has to be defeated first. I'm not 100% sure if there's any other conditions.
so the ape, that i've not seen, stops me from going to the misty village where you need to clear the mist (done).
Only other guy in the area i've not beaten yet, is another giant sumo drunk guy, with a few monkey's around him.
i guess what i am wondering is, did i just not find the path to the ape?? because now that the misty village is done, and will work on drunk sumo tonight, i am unsure where to go. I mean i could finally start the Castle and beyond. I just thought the Ape was back here where i am now.The Headless Ape NOT being in his cave shouldn't have any effect on being able to get through the mist area or anything after it I don't think? I did that whole area up to the Corrupted Monk boss before I even did the Guardian Ape.
Whistle and just chill if you want, it is pretty the ape, that i've not seen, stops me from going to the misty village where you need to clear the mist (done).
Only other guy in the area i've not beaten yet, is another giant sumo drunk guy, with a few monkey's around him.
Yeah you had to time your jump pretty well, which was hard when he has 2 lightning attacks with pretty different timings. The sword slash is super fast so you have to jump as soon as you recognize it, while the arrow is slow and you have to wait for him a second or so before you jump otherwise you are already almost to the ground by the time it hits and don’t have time to slash.Pretty sure I ended up going very where I could before doing Genechiro last night. Took about 2 hours after that but finally nearly him. I swear the lightning throwback is buggy as fuck. I'd catch it and spam, press or press and hold r1 and 50% of the time I'd land and get shocked
i guess what i am wondering is, did i just not find the path to the ape?? because now that the misty village is done, and will work on drunk sumo tonight, i am unsure where to go. I mean i could finally start the Castle and beyond. I just thought the Ape was back here where i am now.
I suck at this game and can't get past the ogre. I had him down to a sliver of health and died on 5th attempt. So I went and got the flame throwerNice stuns. That should help round this guy out.