I've been massively sick for over a week now. Probably should see a doctor but instead I gamed
The fuck is the doctor going to tell you? Take it easy and try to avoid contact. Sounds like another way of saying game.
I've been massively sick for over a week now. Probably should see a doctor but instead I gamed
Seeing the fight in slow motion admittedly would be pretty cool, visually.
But like, you can still cheese the FUCK out of the last boss without cheats, it just takes a long time from what I've seen
Finally beat Guardian Ape today after a 4 day dead end with him. Have been able to get him to phase 2 without needing to heal once for a couple days but it seemed like one missed parry in phase 2 and I was comboed to death. Was kind of nice though as I went back through most areas and found some ground spawn beads, finished a couple NPC quests and unlocked a ton of prosthetic upgrades. Was interesting as clearing through old areas looking for missed items and paths I found a bunch of random samurai ghost mobs. You could kill them without the confetti equipped, didn't notice any note worthy drops but they gave almost 700xp a pop and were easy kills.
Where are the samurai ghost mobs? I need to start leveling. I'm on the second Guardian Ape fight with the girlfriend after wiping to the gun miniboss about 15 times, lol. Had to put it down when I saw the second ape pop up in phase 2. Ugh.
I went from killing Lady Butterfly on my first attempt to dying like 10 times to that goddamn purple ninja with a sword. Having to fight in that tiny cave sucks dick.
Yeah, I did that and eventually killed him.If you're talking about the one in the well from the start of the game then you can immediately take one of his hp bars with a stealth deathblow from above.
Good god how do you fight that asshole in the bottom of the forgotten dungeon? Purple shit spam is real! I barely was even able to touch him on multiple attempts.