Tranny Chaser
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- 24,465
You had two weeks to back up your claims - so far nothing. Two weeks notice is a classic, you insignificant little sack of manure. Do you even FOH?Thanks for the neg almost two weeks later, you fucking loser.
You had two weeks to back up your claims - so far nothing. Two weeks notice is a classic, you insignificant little sack of manure. Do you even FOH?Thanks for the neg almost two weeks later, you fucking loser.
William Hurt andAltered States...Whenever I hear this mentioned, I just think of Niles Crane and his wife on Fraser...
I didn't make any claims that needed to be backed up, weirdo.You had two weeks to back up your claims - so far nothing. Two weeks notice is a classic, you insignificant little sack of manure. Do you even FOH?
Ok sure, but he didn't say 'hey guys, did you hear about those scientifically proven sensory deprivation tanks which have been demonstrated in published, peer reviewed scientific papers to make all sorts of cool shit happen in your head? You should go out and spend tons of money on them!' All he said was 'hey, I tried this and had a cool experience, what about you guys?' Hardly a reason to jump down his throat.There is no cochrane or even a double blinded RCT on this subject, only sporadic trials. The Wikipedia on the subject is disputed due to lack of neutrality.
The Cochrane Collaboration | Working together to provide the best evidence for health care
Isolation tank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'd like to know how you two deduce efficacy from anything but vendor bs and almost 60 year old data on this.
I think you guys are sparkling and derive your information here:
Sense deprivation - Twilight Saga Wiki
After about 20 minutes it felt like my ego had been shattered while floating through space and when I got out I just wanted to sink to the floor I was so relaxed.
Hey Assrayne, why are you stalking me? You're barking up the wrong tree if you're looking for a reach around. Try asking TragedyAnn, again, if Supertouch doesn't come through for you.Experts from various fields promote the use of isolation tanks. It's not something that's limited to stoners like Joe Rogan.
I'm glad you apply the same standards to supertouch's and my posts. Cough. It seems to me you're intellectually dishonest,you stalk me with your ad hominem attacksand you clearly missed the 'Grown up stuff' prefix of this thread. Also, it's not like I'm forcing you to read my posts, you know. But thanks for yet another ad hominem attack. Try to stay on topic, please. Thumbs highSo he had a cool experience, and claimed that 'experts' in 'various fields,' use them (granted, I had no idea how true that claim is, but I'd imagine there are at least one or two people who are experts in some field or another and use sensory deprivation tanks, speaking purely in statistical terms). One is a personal experience, the other is a broad and incredibly vague statement, neither really has anything to do with whether there's a "cochrane or even a double blinded RCT on this subject."
Being sick of someone shitting up otherwise interesting threads with their misplaced autistic compulsions doesn't constitute stalking.
I was skimming the thread and read this as "Do these tanks n(a)gger claustrophobia?"Do these tanks trigger claustrophobia?
As opposed to what - being a gullible idiot?This has to be a carry over from another thread. Supertouch didn't post anything in this thread worth crawling up their ass about. Izo just comes off as an angry, aggressive douche.