Shawlitics: The Return of Shawcial Capital


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If the 2020 election taught us anything it’s that this country could go a long way by standardizing more parts of the election, especially federal. But just like gerrymandering and redistricting, fucking over the other parties constituents in individual states is the American way, so we will never see it.
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Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
If the 2020 election taught us anything it’s that this country could go a long way by standardizing more parts of the election, especially federal. But just like gerrymandering and redistricting, fucking over the other parties constituents in individual states is the American way, so we will never see it.
It's funny and sad at the same time, but the press and the general populace only get interested in Federal elections. The reason voter fraud is never stomped out is both sides do it constantly. "Normally" the amount of ballots cast in Federal elections makes standard methods of voter fraud inconsequential. A couple of hundred ballots don't mean shit in a Senate race. But in local elections those are game changers. And it happens every election. Somewhere.

The reality is punch cards combined with in-person voting eliminate nearly all voter fraud because the cost/benefit ratio makes it not worthwhile beyond a few hundred vallots. Absentee/mail-in ballots change that calculus immensely. We don't mandate punch cards and in person voting because both sides want to cheat. This election might have shown people that maybe it needs reigned back in a bit.
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Egg Nazi
I do wonder what the long term impact of COVID will be on "social capital". I've honestly just gotten used to being alone. And I find it horrifically depressing. Pre-COVID I would be out and about at least five days/nights a week. After this I might be staying in that amount. And just because I've gotten used to the isolation. And that sucks. COVID - well, our reaction to it - has probably been the worst thing that's ever happened in my life.
Respectfully, meant without any criticism at all, my experience couldnt have been more different. Reading accounts like this is sort of a twilight zone experience.

The great lesson of the pandemic shutdown for me has been - how interesting, it turns out a large fraction of what society spends its time on is totally dispensable, and if it's removed in an instant we hardly miss it at all. It makes one wonder why society spent so much of its time on it pre pandemic.

Its hard to think of anything I really miss. I kind of miss restaurants, a little bit, but not that much. In hindsight, it was weird that we used to constantly eat food prepared by strangers behind closed doors instead of just making our own food.

(I fucking hate mandatory masks, but thats not something I miss about pre pandemic times so much as something I dislike about our pandemic response)

The point of my post is not to say you're wrong to have a different experience, its to remark on how 180 degrees different this thing has been for different people.


Respectfully, meant without any criticism at all, my experience couldnt have been more different. Reading accounts like this is sort of a twilight zone experience.

The great lesson of the pandemic shutdown for me has been - how interesting, it turns out a large fraction of what society spends its time on is totally dispensable, and if it's removed in an instant we hardly miss it at all. It makes one wonder why society spent so much of its time on it pre pandemic.

Its hard to think of anything I really miss. I kind of miss restaurants, a little bit, but not that much. In hindsight, it was weird that we used to constantly eat food prepared by strangers behind closed doors instead of just making our own food.

(I fucking hate mandatory masks, but thats not something I miss about pre pandemic times so much as something I dislike about our pandemic response)

The point of my post is not to say you're wrong to have a different experience, its to remark on how 180 different this thing has been for different people.
Well, yea, a lot of what humans do is for entertainment and gratification. That isn't any huge revelation. I don't think we can shift completely away from those indulgences and distractions though as a society, or economy.
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Egg Nazi
Well, yea, a lot of what humans do is for entertainment and gratification. That isn't any huge revelation. I don't think we can shift completely away from those indulgences and distractions though as a society, or economy.
Its not just that. Its not just that its entertainment and gratification. Its not like Im 100% work all the time, I have hobbies and waste time on entertainment like anyone. I meant it more as a comment on the very narrow specificity of what's happened, and how different that is from the narrative that everythings been disrupted and ruined.

Its like if Thanos snapped his fingers on society's activity instead of people. And after the snap I looked around and went "huh, thats funny, little or nothing of value was lost."

Then I read posts like Alex's (or any number of similar sentiments expressed on this forum or in the media). And its kind of like a Mandela effect moment, where we don't seem to have all come from the same timeline or something.

I know somebody will say "well youre just an asshole who doesnt like going out to bars, don't be a dick about it". And I'm not trying to be a dick about it. I'm just commenting on how extreme the difference in peoples' experience of the pandemic has been. Not just differences in magnitude, but 180° different, completely opposite. (Talking specifically here about social effects rather than any loss of work or other financial problems)


Still a Music Elitist
Respectfully, meant without any criticism at all, my experience couldnt have been more different. Reading accounts like this is sort of a twilight zone experience.

The great lesson of the pandemic shutdown for me has been - how interesting, it turns out a large fraction of what society spends its time on is totally dispensable, and if it's removed in an instant we hardly miss it at all. It makes one wonder why society spent so much of its time on it pre pandemic.

Its hard to think of anything I really miss. I kind of miss restaurants, a little bit, but not that much. In hindsight, it was weird that we used to constantly eat food prepared by strangers behind closed doors instead of just making our own food.

(I fucking hate mandatory masks, but thats not something I miss about pre pandemic times so much as something I dislike about our pandemic response)

The point of my post is not to say you're wrong to have a different experience, its to remark on how 180 degrees different this thing has been for different people.

I'm equally blown away by this. I really hope you're in the minority here and most people aren't just fine with the way things are. I'm not just fine living in a totalitarian society that's actively restricting us from social experiences with other humans. I listened to 2112 the other day and started thinking of a worst case scenario where this just goes on forever and music eventually stops being a thing since it's no longer a valid profession. I've got a bunch of friends in the music industry and they're all still pretty much unemployed. And for those that made most their money from touring? Who knows when they'll be able to work again?

It's not just music for me either. Any sort of social event is canceled - festivals, celebrations (like NYE fireworks), sporting events. Large swaths of the world are currently inaccessible. I regularly enjoyed all these things.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
As someone who is fairly antisocial and has never been interested in people on a personal level, the biggest revelation of the last year has been that there is a great need to be in spaces filled with other people. And I am fairly certain that there is nothing special about me in this regard; we are social animals and we need others. Certainly such a need takes on a different form for different people, some like to sit quietly in a library or a cafe and read or write while others enjoy being surrounded by a group of friends and some others wish to be the center of attention of large groups of strangers. But the commonality is there, we need to be around others, to have a sense of something we belong to and fit into. To say such things are unnecessary is missing something fundamental about being human.
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Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
My wife was there with a group. All ages, sexes and races in her bus group. Early on it was pretty "normal". Cold and wet, lots of standing around and meeting people. When an element of the crowd moved to the Capitol and began to breach, she took some of the elderly people in her group back to the bus and waited. It was kind of surreal as the pictures and texts she was sending began to change. At first lots of group shots and flag waving and then slowly the tone of the texts lose their happy/party atmosphere as the scene at the Capital begins to unfold. She said there was a visceral change as people went from pent up frustration to overt anger. She said once the mood started shifting, it went from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat.


My wife was there with a group. All ages, sexes and races in her bus group. Early on it was pretty "normal". Cold and wet, lots of standing around and meeting people. When an element of the crowd moved to the Capitol and began to breach, she took some of the elderly people in her group back to the bus and waited. It was kind of surreal as the pictures and texts she was sending began to change. At first lots of group shots and flag waving and then slowly the tone of the texts lose their happy/party atmosphere as the scene at the Capital begins to unfold. She said there was a visceral change as people went from pent up frustration to overt anger. She said once the mood started shifting, it went from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat.
The mob is a powerful, uncontrollable beast, no matter what side it is on
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Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
There are two ways this goes. If Biden and the Congress recognize (especially after yesterday) that this is more than a few dozen trolls on social media stirring the pot and try to calm things down then maybe the divide doesnt keep growing. If they are tone deaf and decide to quickly attempt fundamental changes to our way of life (remove the filibuster, stack the SCOTUS, radical attempt at gun control etc), then I honestly believe yesterday will be just an appetizer of a main course to come.

Keep an eye on Joe Manchin of W Va. He is probably the most powerful man in the Senate now. He is the closest thing to a non-socialist on the Dem side.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Dems are going to double down. Expect a lot of talk and attempts to hurt 75 million people.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Any thoughts on this afternoon?
Glad that more people weren’t hurt. That could have became real ugly really quickly.

Not completely surprised the mob did something stupid, after a month of this I feel like people fall into one of three camps:
1. There was no widespread fraud
2. Fuckery is a foot and we need a full blown investigation
3. There was widespread fraud, the election was stolen and we have no recourse.

lots of group 3 showed up. If people genuinely believe the election was stolen and that legal means offer them no recourse at some point someone is going to do something desperate.

The message of massive fraud was always a dangerous one because there’s no way to walk it back after you’ve continuously doubled down on it.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>

There is a reason there's a pol section, and there's a reason that many attempts at politics thread in the grownup section has failed many times before. This is going to the shaw, as a reminder to not make more threads like this outside of pol.
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Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz

There is a reason there's a pol section, and there's a reason that many attempts at politics thread in the grownup section has failed many times before. This is going to the shaw, as a reminder to not make more threads like this outside of pol.
And yet, this one was working quite fine.
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