Didn't like it quite as much as Wonder Woman or Aquaman, but I'd say that it's not because of a lack of quality, and more so that it's aimed more at a younger audience. And considering that the character's core concept is, "the movie Big, but being Tom Hanks grants superpowers," I'm not inclined to hold that fact against them. And even if we're less the target audience on this one, I still did enjoy it overall.
Like Aquaman, it really embraces the cheesy stupidity of the comic book stuff, to its benefit. Just as Aquaman went all-in on the 'Atlantean seahorse cavalry fighting crab people' stuff, Shazam doesn't try to gritty up the A Wizard Did It-ness of the origin story. It's amazing how fun these movies can be you don't try to Batman-up the tone of every superhero.
I was cautiously optimistic that DC was finding their footing after seeing Aquaman, and after seeing this, I think I'm willing to drop the 'cautiously' from that statement. They still got a ways to go to catch up with the quality of Marvel's best, but at least they're making good stuff now.