

Millie's Staff Member
Obviously this is not for you, I thought most of the season was enough to keep me going, but the finale was crazy good, and will keep me in-tuned for the next season.
glad you liked it, there is no accounting for taste. i didnt appreciate how they null and voided the entire season. but to each their own.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
This is my least favorite MCU show so far. It lack direction, it was all over the place and I feel it didn’t much to advance the character.

One of the core aspect of She-Hulk was the fact the Jennifer enjoyed being She-Hulk because it made her feel strong and confident. I think they stayed away from that because they didn’t want to show a regular woman being anything but strong and confident, so it lost of major part of what made the character interesting.

I remember in the She-Hulk graphic novel when she was told she would never be able to turn back into Jennifer, she didn't care because she liked being She-Hulk more.

If they ever have a season 2, they need better focus…and improve the special effect for She-Hulk because it’s pretty distracting.


Millie's Staff Member

‘She-Hulk’ Team Explains the Fourth Wall-Breaking Finale and Delivering a ‘F— You’ to Toxic Marvel Trolls​

In addition to breaking the fourth wall, the finale tackles some of the exact same trolling comments that Marvel fans have been making. How did it feel to watch that happen as the show aired, knowing how the finale would turn out?

Tatiana Maslany: Jessica Gao is a genius and knows about the culture we’re living in and her position in it when she’s writing these stories about a woman superhero. She knows what that response is going to be. As a cast, it was delightful sending each other these troll responses, like “Oh my god, give them a week and then they’re going to literally see this pop up verbatim in the show and become the villains of the show.” It was thrilling.

Were you expecting to face the trolls when you signed on for the show?

Reading the script, it was so true. There’s so much resistance to a woman just existing in that space of superheroes. There’s always going to be that. I sort of anticipated it. It’s why I also feel it’s important. There’s such an entitlement to space held by certain people, and to even exist as She-Hulk is like a fuck-you, and I love that.

Did Marvel give you any suggestions for the hate comments they get online?

Jessica Gao: That conversation between Jen and K.E.V.I.N. is very much the relationship that I have with real-life Kevin and a lot of that is taken from conversations I’ve had with him. That scene was so much longer in the scripts. If they had let me, I probably would have written a 10-minute conversation of my avatar arguing with Kevin. This is probably the tightest version of what it could have been. There were a couple of jabs where Kevin was like, “OK, this is a little mean now.”

How did it feel to accurately predict what the trolls would be saying?

Our writers room opened three years ago. The fact that we were able to predict what the reaction was going to be, what a lot of the trolling comments were going to be, really shows how very tired and unoriginal these trolls are. That really tickled me because the little troll that lives inside of me really loves trolling the trolls.

What was Kevin Feige’s reaction to the finale?

Kat Coiro: Kevin had a huge hand in that finale and in the character of K.E.V.I.N. Ironically, I was more squeamish about it than they were. I was like, “Are we going too far? Are we throwing Marvel and fans under the bus by putting down Marvel films?” They have such a self-deprecating, irreverent sense about themselves and were totally willing to poke fun at themselves. Any criticism you can lob at them, they have thought of.

Did you have to dig deep for all of the Marvel criticism or just scroll through Twitter?

One thing I noticed is that at the beginning of the series, I was getting a lot of nasty, mean comments. As it’s gone forward, that has stopped. I think it’s because now they realize when they target us, they’re playing directly into our hands. And we called it, which is pretty gratifying. It’s so satisfying. Even negative commentary, I always interpret as engagement. If people are that angry, they are paying attention. I look at all of it as positive.

How many of the cameos at the end, like Daredevil, Skaar, Hulk and Abomination, were just for gags or were they intentionally placed for future storylines?

Kevin was very specific about with Skaar, so I’m sure there’s some plan in the future, though I have no idea what that might be. We all knew that Daredevil had to come back because people love him and their chemistry is so great. I only wish that Patty Guggenheim as Madisynn had come back in the finale. That’s my great regret.
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Log Wizard

There’s so much resistance to a woman just existing in that space of superheroes.​

LOL, predictable. They pinch out pure shit and blame men for their failure. All of these women did well in their roles and were not disliked.

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Millie's Staff Member
i like how the director says they were planning for 3 years to shit on fans. imagine that much hatred and with the approval from Kevin Fag himself.
there was also rumors that this show was heavily reworked after it was initially completed. i guess it wasnt all blowjobs and unicorns over there.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Love the photo of Lynda Carter. I've been bringing her up for YEARS now against this stupid fucking narrative: "Strong women have never been given representation". I'm like, I grew watching Wonder Woman be the hero while Steve Trevor was the sidekick. Charley and Bosely sat on their asses while The Angels went after the bad guys. Batgirl was making commercials about women getting equal pay while Batman and Robin rolled their eyes. Don't tell me I didn't grow up watching strong, competent women. The only difference between then and now is that those writers didn't need to make everyone around the hero incompetent for the hero to shine.... why? Because those writers had talent, and today's writers are frauds.
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Wow that interview is just so ...pretentious. This would be like Kevin Smith magically 'predicting' that """trolls""" would dislike his version of the He-Man show because they hate strong wommens. Nice one, Nostradamus!!! We all hate the womenfolk!

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Millie's Staff Member
Love the photo of Lynda Carter. I've been bringing her up for YEARS now against this stupid fucking narrative: "Strong women have never been given representation". I'm like, I grew watching Wonder Woman be the hero while Steve Trevor was the sidekick. Charley and Bosely sat on their asses while The Angels went after the bad guys. Batgirl was making commercials about women getting equal pay while Batman and Robin rolled their eyes. Don't tell me I didn't grow up watching strong, competent women. The only difference between then and now is that those writers didn't need to make everyone around the hero incompetent for the hero to shine.... why? Because those writers had talent, and today's writers are frauds.
there were other movies/TV shows with tough chicks in them. they didnt need to kick ass physically for them to be strong women. this has been a thing for the entire history of cinema. even the sexy sirens had grit in films. the difference is the writers portrayed men and women accurately. we were tough in our way, but the chicks ruled the roost in other ways. we are different, so toughness varies because of it. now they make women act like men to garner respect they didnt need to earn. we respect our women always have. just be women, thats it, thats all you need to do.


Egg Nazi
Havent watched, didnt read she-hulk comics (aside from her involvement in Avengers).

The 4th wall breaks shit sounds dumb but it seems like some viewers liked it. Question for you. I always liked how with Deadpool they had an in-universe explanation for his thing. He went crazy as part of his mutation and thought he was a character in a comic book. Something like that.

Is there any in-universe explanation for She-Hulks thing?


Throbbing Member
Havent watched, didnt read she-hulk comics (aside from her involvement in Avengers).

The 4th wall breaks shit sounds dumb but it seems like some viewers liked it. Question for you. I always liked how with Deadpool they had an in-universe explanation for his thing. He went crazy as part of his mutation and thought he was a character in a comic book. Something like that.

Is there any in-universe explanation for She-Hulks thing?
She didn't have one really. It was just her thing. She is the original 4th wall breaking Superhero.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I did NOT forget her. :) I just wasn't about to create a whole Wiki page on all the strong females I grew up watching. heh


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have also realized that as a straight, white, tax paying male, this show is not for me. Not sure how they thought they would survive creating something for less than 1% of the population.


<Silver Donator>
She Hulk is so damn inconsistent. The penultimate episode (or maybe the one before that) was brilliant (the therapy episode). The finale was off the rails bad. So "meta" that it broke the 5th wall of interest... I'm sure there were a lot of really funny inside jokes with the cast and the Disney people. I mean the show producer is named Kevin, right? ha ha ha...

but no. The fucking Daredevil thing was cute. Maybe that was the penultimate episode. The damn show is all over the map with regard to quality, intelligence and geek-factor. The need to choose a path.


Millie's Staff Member
I really don't understand what the fuck that finale was.
it was supposed to be a 4th wall breaking satire on Marvel movie finales where all the foreshadowed things get paid off and join in for the final battle. i think it was just the writers had no idea how to end the season so they went full Wayne's World mega happy ending. i think the only goal they had was to pick on male fans who didnt like how the show was bad and looked cheap so they must be sexists.