if they are following the canon, then the man with the glasses is Colonel Sebastian Moran, Moriarty's right hand man. if the next episode deals with a certain special air rifle then its him for sure. otherwise no idea who that was. i really missed this show. cant believe just 2 more episodes then we wait another year or 2 or never before the next 3.
i was watching shaun of the dead, hot fuzz and all 14 episodes of Spaced the other day (yeah i marathon that shit from time to time) and it kinda hit me that simon pegg who is a bigger star than freeman is still not considered an A-list star here in the US. its really a worthless thing these days because our A-list stars arent so much better. i consider pegg freeman and cumberbatch as good as if not better than somebody like will smith or tom cruise, but its just our culture that we need to have american accents on our favorite stars.