If they are not removed, then at the very least make then a limited commodity so they are worth something when given. I don't pretend to know exactly how much is enough, but I'd venture a guess that a free market system where each member earns a free net they can spend every month, so long as they are an active poster (minimum posts a month?) with no active infractions.
- Spending a positive net allows the member to pos or neganother member.
- A hard limit of giving +/-1 net a month per member, to another member. (Regardless of exchange rate)
- Giving a net (pos or neg) allows the giver to post an anonymous feedback on the users reputation, as normal. (So others can understand why it was done)
- Giving apositivenet removes 1 positive net from the giver, and adds 1 positive net to the receiver.
- Giving anegativenet destroys itself and one of the receivers positive nets. Permanently. (Giving consecutive negative nets within28 daysof each other, between the same members, doubles in cost each time they are given. That way -net harassment should be minimized, unless the giver finds the cost worth it.)
-There are no negative net balances. If your balance is ZERO, it means you wait X days for your next monthly +net.
- This should keep net inflation in check and make positive nets 'mean' something.
Though I could be wrong...
I would suggest offering a forum store where +nets can be spent on vanity items. Assuming there isn't already one. I rarely venture out ofScreenshotsandGame, Web, Software Development.
Edit: The cost doubling within 28 days, seems a bit superfluous considering the -net limit per month. But its to prevent -net stacking at the beginning/ending of calendar months. Seemed simplest.