should we remove nets

I've seen boards with rep systems where, if enough people didn't like the post and down-voted wouldn't even see it anymore. You wouldn't even know the person posted that post. It would gradually just fade away with each neg to the post until invisible.

But I'm thinking that won't work here. Enough people quote the bad posts for it to be remembered far longer than it should be.


Trakanon Raider
Only being able to give one net to someone forever was retarded. Opening the flood gate wasn't the answer though. Posts should be what gets rep, not posters. If Chuk posts something hilarious that single post should have +200 rating. If his next post is completely fucking retarded then that post needs to be -200. That encourages people that care about that sort of thing to post better, but it doesn't leave some permanent mark on their account if their opinion happens to not be very popular at the same time. That is a proper rep system. People should be judged per post, not a one and done deal.
I support this. This is legit.

Is this possible with the board format? If not, is it possible to obtain/code and what would it take?


<Gold Donor>
I've seen boards with rep systems where, if enough people didn't like the post and down-voted wouldn't even see it anymore. You wouldn't even know the person posted that post. It would gradually just fade away with each neg to the post until invisible.

But I'm thinking that won't work here. Enough people quote the bad posts for it to be remembered far longer than it should be.
I want to see the downvoted posts though too. If I really hated someone I'd just put them on ignore, but I've never done that because a) I've never hated someone that much, and b) I want to read the retardation they spew.

Not to mention, a system like that is just as exploitable. Everyone thinks hodj is from the south? A group of people goes through and downvotes every single post of his in that thread, making them invisible. Now not only is the thread ruined (well, assuming you don't think it was ruined WITH his posts), but if someone wants to read it the way it was intended to be read, they might have to click every single one of hodj's posts to view it.

I'm fine with a like/dislike or up/downvote, but not to the point where it could obscure posts. If someone has a post that bad, it needs to be on display for all to see. Hell, if you want the downvotes to actually *do* something, make it so that if it has X downvotes it can't be edited perhaps.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Only being able to give one net to someone forever was retarded. Opening the flood gate wasn't the answer though. Posts should be what gets rep, not posters. If Chuk posts something hilarious that single post should have +200 rating. If his next post is completely fucking retarded then that post needs to be -200. That encourages people that care about that sort of thing to post better, but it doesn't leave some permanent mark on their account if their opinion happens to not be very popular at the same time. That is a proper rep system. People should be judged per post, not a one and done deal.

Nets have ALWAYS been stupid because of that. Not because Chuk made a thread. It was dumb from day one because it could potentially hinder discussions and on a forum that is the last thing anyone should want to happen.
I support this!

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
if nets hinder you from participating, you should probably sop up your vagina and go post on some care bear board instead

bunch of grown men acting like fucking bitches.


Riddle me this...
if nets hinder you from participating, you should probably sop up your vagina and go post on some care bear board instead

bunch of grown men acting like fucking bitches.
I agree completely. If negs hurt your feelings, well too fucking bad.


Molten Core Raider
There is already a reward/punishment system. Good posts are heralded by the users. Your replies reward the poster more than any thumbs up's do. And cannot be held over anyone else's heads. There is even a Hall of fame.
Conversely there is The Retard Rickshaw. Not to mention there are suspensions and bannings.
Ya'll take this shit way too seriously. And it goes without saying your a fickle bunch that loves someone one week and chews their asses off the next, en mass. You don't need more, and more lasting ways to cup nuts and bust chops.

Use the tools you already have. Its an internet forum full of pussy pictures and dick waving. Any form of Hierarchy system beyond post counts/titles will blow up sooner or later.

I suppose an Anonymous thumbs up / thumbs down counter could be a viable informative tool, of someone seriously judges someone by the sum of their good posts vs there dumb posts, though I doubt thats the case. But, being able to neg and message someone with "stop crying you fat faggot!111" Has no positive merit whatsoever, except to the internet tough guy.

Someone should post all the negative comments received privately on this board so far, with the senders name; And then let y'all decide if the system is "of merit".


Gunnar Durden
Someone should become the Jesus like Martyr for the cause.

Allow all the netz to remain, and that person will take all the neg netz of t he world! Like John Coffee


How about just a "Like" system like Facebook (can't "Dislike" only "Like")? You can do one Like per person'spost. But the Likes will tally a total under the person's account. Sure, people could Like every single post of an individual to inflate their numbers, but eh, who cares.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I've seen boards with rep systems where, if enough people didn't like the post and down-voted wouldn't even see it anymore. You wouldn't even know the person posted that post. It would gradually just fade away with each neg to the post until invisible.

But I'm thinking that won't work here. Enough people quote the bad posts for it to be remembered far longer than it should be.
Are Urban Dictionary and yahoo answers 'boards'?

I like nets but if removing them will piss off astrocreep, that is far more rewarding to me
You make a strong argument.


<Gold Donor>
I doubt negs are the issue. The fucking circle jerk of +nets and the amount of goddamn whining from all the ass hurt "I are popular on a niche board of a niche board" is fucking hilarious though. Thankfully I was on FoH for a long time so I know who's a fucking idiot regardless of the +'s or -'s. Anyone new to the community though would assume someone with 100+ nets knows what they're talking about which would be unfortunate.


Millie's Staff Member
I like nets but if removing them will piss off astrocreep, that is far more rewarding to me
actually if they do remove nets it means i am the king jimmie rustler of this board. I took down the system. I also removed one of the ways people got put down.


Unelected Mod
Maester Chuck, defender of the bullied, resistance fighter for all.

He is the hero that we needed.


Millie's Staff Member
i saved you from the neggers. there will be no negruary. column may make make a march on washington over it and talk about a dream he had, but thats about it.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
i saved you from the neggers. there will be no negruary. column may make make a march on washington over it and talk about a dream he had, but thats about it.
If I had any photoshop skills, I'd get rid of that e
