Avatar of War Slayer
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I'm really starting to hope kickstarter is allowing these "big" name projects through now, as a means to gain awareness of kickstarter itself. and later will start enabling stronger restrictions on who can start one.Yep, great rant. I actually have (or had I should say) a lot of respect for RG because of my fanatical love of all things Ultima. I LOVED the entire series. Even that buggy piece of shit Ultima 9 was a incredible adventure, and a ton of fun after you patched it. I'll always be thankful for those memories, but seriously fuck this guy's ego. Knowing you are one of the pioneers of MMOs/RPGs in general is one thing. Trying to dick smack everyone with it is something else entirely and unacceptable behavior. Some humility goes a long way when you are trying to get money out of people.
The kickstarter stuff is the thing that upsets me the most. Millionaires should NOT be using kickstarter to fund their projects. If Richard said he would match whatever the fans raise + add a extra million or whatever on top of it then I wouldn't care. People with castles should not be asking the "common folk" for a hand out though. The whole thing smells like shit and taints kickstarter. I want kickstarter to succeed so bad, but if people like RG and Mark Jacobs plan to just abuse it at every turn then it likely won't.
cause really, this is starting to become bullshit really fast.
People are really abusing it on multiple fronts.
One, as we see here^.
Or this. Some people might have seen me rail on this piece of shit in a few places.
"webcomic" kickstarter. and I use that term loosely. 80pages of work in 10 years of production hardly defines as a comic. 3 months for one page. daily updates about how great he is.
Goes to kickstarter to get people to pay for production on a hard cover version of his webcomic. not NEW work. previously created work. Wanted 30k for about 5k worth of printing/mailing. Which ok... whatever.
Gets 400k, so far. And has to add stretch goals. Which brings up the first problem with kickstarter. people over funding shit that really doesn't need it. Instead of giving 10 webcomics 40k, this ONE retard has 400k.
He set stretch goals. originally he had his 800k goal as "I will update my comic bi-weekly for 1 year".
I shit you fucking not. Adding up the production costs of all previous tiers would result in 50-90k worth, being generous. Meaning, he was asking for 700k for 26 pages of his comic for 1 year. $27,000 per page, for 1 year.
that is fucking FRAUD. everyone flipped out, and he changed it.
700k is now every week for 1 year. which is STILL 12,000 a page.
I can be disappointed in fans for giving this piece a shit a dime. But this asshole himself, should be fucking ashamed.
Although clearly he has none after the charging for a Mobius tribute.