Publicity is what did them in. Should have kept the sheep out and started limiting registration about 4-6 months ago.
Either way this is nothing more than a hiccup, and all of the big buyers are in contact with their vendors through PGP and email, still doing business, for the time being. BMR will bring a lot of vendors and I am sure something new will pop up soon enough. There is a huge market out there for it and you better believe there are a handful of people fighting to take DPR spot as the internet drug king.
Not sure why no one has reupped that concept, although I guess it would require some working capital and that seems to be a big problem for most web startups these days.
I don't think it has anything to do with SR2, BC's have been climbing steadily for weeks now, and a huge chunk, probably the majority, of business from the original SR went over to BMR and SMP within a few days of SR going down.
Personally, I'd be very skeptical of SR2 for the time being, but that's just me.