Since when the fuck can you not say Wakandan American in screenshots? Why infraction?

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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Gavinrad just went triple down retarded with "modern day christians are just as shitty as modern day muslims" in the middle east thread.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, that was kind of my point. I don't know, I'm pretty split on the whole Monica/American Inventor thing. While I personally don't use the term any longer in any social settings, including this board, I can see how both sides of this issue feel. (By the way, I have used that word on this board in the past, or FoH, I can't remember.)

Black people have used the word so long now, we've come to devalue it's stinging racist feeling. "It's our word now." I don't think that's possible in society. Closet and outright racists point to this fact to further their own use of the word, and that's not good either.


Grandpathetic Gravy
Maybe, idk. When people make a point of throwing it in thread titles or littering it throughout the forums I have a problem with it. I view this shit from work a lot, 3 black guys work for me and it would be pretty awkward trying to explain to them why it is ok for the nerdy white guys to throw around racial slurs on the internet, or why I would choose to go to a place where that was part of the culture. And really, it isn't. It is a few people. People use it all the time here and nothing happens mostly unless they make a big deal of it, it gets reported, or they try to make some retarded 'stand'. Porn on the other hand doesn't bother me, because you have to choose to go to the FSR to see that. A couple of other threads have naked chicks in them, but it is all in the SS and to me that's a ok.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
"oh no, i went to a place where they dont censor people!! what will the negroes think?? heavens to betsy!!"


Trump's Staff
Being afraid of what some black guys that you work with might think if they read the word "American Inventor" or something else that could be construed as an ethnic word or slur is pretty dumb. Hell, I read this (magically unblocked) forum on a Department of Defense computer and work with a lot of black people. I can't count how many times a day I hear racial slurs; it's far more than on this forum.


Buzzfeed Editor
I'm not afraid, it is disrespectful and I care what those people think a hell of a lot more than I do any of you guys. And cowardly, really, none of these guys would do this in real life. But come online and suddenly saying American Inventor is some kind of essential freedom. Silly. It is just a conversation I don't really want to have with people I actually have real relationships with. I also read this on a DoD computer. They had blocked FoHSS but when we moved here it flew under the radar.
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