1) She's still aiming to lose a few lbs, sure (her goal is 140, she's at 180-190 now - considering she'd been nearly 280 at her peak though I find it hard to say she's fat anymore - not even sure with her frame and breast size that 140 will even be possible, frankly)
2) Negative. Never been in my life - and not even on disability anymore [and when I was I had a full work record to fund it - I got $0 from SSI the "welfare" part of disability] - I did receive Medicaid briefly while applying for disability though - but that 6 months nearly a decade ago is the only remotely close fit to "welfare". Also never applied for unemployment or equivalent either. Since I've been working our net income as a unit has been around $65k/yr ($25k wife, $20k my investment income, $20k my work at home I'm currently doing). Hoping to get a callback on a different work option for myself any day now though that would put us into the $100k range however. (Starting is $55k - with my work vacuum the last decade I didn't angle to start higher than starting obv)
[And note: Pre-Disability our net was around $65k - since investment income was primarily seeded by inheritance a few years ago and my wife basically made nothing back then since she only really did pet-sitting back in those days (thanks, Etsy!) - made good cash for the time invested since she had a VTA cert and all, but she'd literally get booked maybe 3-5 days a month]