sitting on your ass > getting hurt in combat


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This was already brought up in the Politics thread (where it likely belongs), and given the attention due - little - since most agree it's crap and going to change.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I love drones, work in robotics and sit on my ass all day and I think getting a medal for operating UAVs or do anything but heroic action in dangerous circumstances is bullshit.

Is there anyone out there who thinks that exemplary teleoperation deserves a medal?


Buzzfeed Editor
Sure it deserves a medal. There are medals for all kinds of shit. There are medals for qualifying on certain weapons at the range. There are medals for simply being alive and in the military at a certain time. The problem was the ranking of this medal in the hierarchy of things.


Buzzfeed Editor
It is really no different than firing off missiles from on board a ship or something like that. I'm not sure why they felt the need to do this new medal.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I didn't read any of the discussion in the politics thread, but I've talked about it a little with some of the military friends. We more or less feel that there does need to be a better way to recognize those who make an immediate impact on conflicts/actions/whatever but aren't necessarily in immediate harm. That said, we also felt this one is pretty dumb.


Mr. Poopybutthole
There are already commendation and achievement medals that cover this sort of thing. There's no reason for this medal whatsoever. Placing it above a bronze star is just fucked.

When you have a valor award that rates lower than this piece of shit, that's just wrong. Shouldn't be any higher than achievement medal, if they're going to insist on making it.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
They cant give out this medal with so much value if they want normal people to care about medals. ATM, if someone has a medal with a name that I recognize, i know they not only did something badass, but put their life on the line to do it. That in turn lets me know they are worthy of recognition. If they start giving out this medal, I'm always gonna think "is this guy some asshole that was jerking off in colarado as he got this medal." Sure medals like that should be available, i have no doubt those jerkoffs do good things at times, but that award should be something where I have no idea what it means.


Mr. Poopybutthole
As far as knowing they did something badass, the military has cheapened the bronze star quite a bit. It's basically an end of deployment award for most officers (and senior enlisted in a lot of cases). If it's a bronze star with 'V' device, however, then you can be pretty sure it's for something badass.

In fact, the Army commendation medal can be awarded for valor as well (which is why previously I said this thing shouldn't rate above achievement medal). A guy in my unit rescued a bunch of people out of a downed helicopter (his also had just crashed) and was under fire the entire time, who earned an ARCOM with 'V.' The whole system is jacked up when something like that doesn't warrant a bronze star, and they talk about drone pilots being given something even higher than that.
So by this logic, Ender Wiggin didn't do shit and deserves nothing for saving the human race?


Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I love drones, work in robotics and sit on my ass all day and I think getting a medal for operating UAVs or do anything but heroic action in dangerous circumstances is bullshit.

Is there anyone out there who thinks that exemplary teleoperation deserves a medal?
Just shows are stupid the military is and how it loves to preserve its class distinctions. Another good example is UAV controllers wearing flight suits as their duty uniform just like real pilots, even though they control the things half a world away form were they are used.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Flight suits are serious business. When I first got to Iraq we had to wear flight suits but when we picked up our nomex camouflage uniforms flight suits were banned and we actually had to turn them in so we wouldnt have them. Hell the guys who sit in ICBM silos wear flight suits too, to make them feel better and think their job is more prestigious then it would other wise be.
As far as knowing they did something badass, the military has cheapened the bronze star quite a bit. It's basically an end of deployment award for most officers (and senior enlisted in a lot of cases). If it's a bronze star with 'V' device, however, then you can be pretty sure it's for something badass.
This x1000. Our detachment first sergeant received a bronze star at the end of our deployment even though not a single person in my unit saw combat and he himself spent 90% of his time in a office.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Speaking of cheapening the bronze star...

Chaplain gets one for a powerpoint presentation.

Also, you don't even know about flight suits. I work for NAVAIR and there are lots of pilots who are too high in rank to fly anymore. Those dudes wear flight suits all the damn time, when they should be wearing khakis. ALL the time.


Golden Knight of the Realm
LOL this thread made me go back and see what ribbons I earned in my 4 years, but I failed at posting them.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Hey I like my good conduct medals. I like being rewarded for not getting in trouble.


Buzzfeed Editor
This whole thing is the military's fault. You have guys who aren't in combat writing policy to ensure that other guys who aren't in combat are recognized for eval/promotion purposes. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Not every job is deployment heavy and there needs to be ways to acknowledge people who excel in all fields. But damn...


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
To me it seemed like a way to raise the prestige of drone operators above that of wannabe pilots. Probably to push people towards the field. It's complete crap though.