The weekly limits on progression currency, and being required to start your career as only 3 of the 12'ish classes for the first 1-3 weeks are downsides for certain. From what I read, your weekly caps increase every week, with special quests on saturday to greatly raise the caps permanently for newer players as a way to catch up to vets. Still sucks early on, which is a questionable tactic since the first few days are when you need to hook new players, not just tell them it gets better later. From what I understand, once a character is made, they continue to accumulate higher caps each week even if inactive, something to consider if your account is old and caps were the only downside.
After this weeks reset I fully unlocked cryomancer, and it's amazing. Incredible dps, high mobility with the slide talent, strong CC, and just overall a fun playstyle which I'm enjoying. As for unlocking advanced classes, I'm kind of all over the map and screwed myself for the short term. I originally was working towards slayer, found out they suck currently, so re-routed on the grid to work towards warlock. After spending a few thousand sparks progressing towards warlock, I read more online that makes warlocks sound squishy in solo content, so I re-route again and decide to bite the bullet and work towards gunner. I spend the rest of this weeks currency working towards gunner, then I get a bonus quest that lets you preview gunner for a quest.
Playing gunner through an entire dungeon firmly cemented the fact that I really despise gunner gameplay, and won't be using it no matter how OP it might be. Now my upper atlas is all over the place partially towards a bunch of classes but out of reach of all of them, with me capped for the week again. Saving grace is that I have cryomancer mastered, so I can at least play and enjoy that for the moment. I think after next weeks reset (or this saturday depending how much these catchup quests boost the caps) I'm going to go back to my very original plan and unlock slayer. Even if it isn't king of the hill for dps rankings, I enjoy the mechanics and playstyle so much I'll make it work.