I'm gonna be getting a new phone soon-ish, I'm an old fuck when it comes to phones, my current one I've had for like 10years and it's not a smartphone, just some old shit, I only use it for calling people. But anyway since I'm switching plans I'll get a new phone with it. Questions are some basic shit that I could probably google but figure I can ask all at once and maybe get all the answers:
How good/bad are older gen phones compared to current gen in terms of supporting new apps and stuff? I'm not taking an expensive phone plan, so I don't get a big cost reduction on the phone and fuck paying 700euros or whatever for the lastest phone model, I'm gonna be buying the shit I can get for 1euro or MAYBE for 100euros. For example, a Galaxy S7 or an Apple 6s or something like that, do they do shit like you can't run the newest apps without the lastest phones, how far back does it stay compatible, this kind of shit.
Apple vs Android from purely a computer compatibility issue, it seems Apple have their own ecosystems with their own filetypes and all that shit, does Android do this too or can I just drop some mp3s on an Android phone and have them work right away without passing through Apple Music or whatever the program is to convert them to some shitty system, which might not even work if I don't own the MP3s (I haven't bought music in the past 20years, not that I download or listen to much anyway, mostly game OSTs and sometimes I'll download a random album or an artist's discography because I hear a good track). I'm leaning towards Android is there even any reason to own an iOS phone? It seems most apps nowadays can run on either(a while ago it wasn't the case but Android support seems less shit now).