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What a weird year for phones
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Anyone have suggestions for tracking down battery life issues on Android? I have a Nexus 6p where the battery life is quite poor, but it can be down to 20% by mid-day but under settings the handful of applications show only 1-2% each for 15% or so total. One thing I've wondered is whether the battery management is confused and considers the original capacity of the battery instead of whatever it is now.
The 6P is well known to have battery issues. Your phone just may be going.
Mine is showing signs of the battery going. I was sitting in drive-thru the other night and it just decides to shut down. The battery got so low somehow that it auto-shutdown. This is the second time this has happened within the last month. My phone can usually last all day no problems so the battery has to be going on it.
I've been looking for a new phone, but I'm not sure what I want to get. I'm on Fi so my options are limited. I think I may just pick up a Pixel 3 XL the next time they go on sale. I hate that fucking notch to death though. I thought about picking up a refurb Pixel 2 XL, but buying a phone off Ebay puts me off.
My Galaxy S8 will sometimes jump from 20% to zero and shut down. Then if you put it on the charger for a few minutes and turn it back on, it will be at 21% and drain normally from there. Strange. I have wireless charging stands now everywhere that I'm likely to sit down during the day and I just put it on them so my phone doesn't often get below 50%.
Download AccuBattery. It will have you go through a charging cycle and will determine how far gone your battery is. I found it when I had that same problem with my 6p and the battery had lost 50% of its total capacity.
Honestly, I'd call Google support and see if you can get them to send you a free Pixel XL or Pixel XL2. Even if they only agree to send a refurb, the 6p has known battery issues and I got them to send me a replacement well after my warranty was up.
Yep, but I think that is a distinct issue. I feel like the battery information on earlier versions of Android was more complete and wondered if I could still see that.
I was waffling on that last sale also though I think I'd go standard 3 for no notch and the XL has had more probelms. Howver I don't feel like Google has a good track record on continued device suport, and it sounds like they still haven't fixed all launch issues so... At this point I'm waiting for Google IO to see if the Lite version is announced or to catch an S10 on sale.
Yea, the Nexus 6p and iphone 6(?) have a similar problem, a battery protection circuit trips when you have high draw on low battery.
I thought the Pixel thing was a narrow window of time, I heard about it slightly after but at the time hadn't started experiencing problems.
I found Google's Battery Historian, I may take a look at it - google/battery-historian
The charge port on my Nokia pro 7 shit the bed so I got a new phone. I really wanted the OnePlus 6T but lack of memory card is a huge bummer. So I got Huawei honor v10.its great so far. I trust google spying about the same as Faulty Armor spying so I am fucked either way.
Blame Samsung for selling the screen to everyone...Whoever came up with this faggot notch idea should get super aids.
Have an iPhone 5s that I've dropped too many times.
Any suggestions on a phone that is nearly the same size for text/email/browsing/photos?