It's not a dealbreaker. It's just an annoying niggle. I think, had I not used my brothers iPhone 5, I wouldn't even list it as a complaint. It's just hard to deny that Apple's lightning connector is a far better design than micro usb.This complaint about micro usb is on the same level with the people who complained about Lumia 920's weight. Retarded.
Regarding kernel, you're probably not getting more battery life unless you are currently underclocking. Having used so many Android phones, stock kernels are generally the best battery life because of the slim builds and without useless features. People give OEM way too little credit in this regard.
Nah, I haven't underclocked or anything. My screen on time has gone from 3 hours to 5hr15m with a custom kernel. It's a HUGE difference. I've heard that underclocking the cpu and gpu can increase that to 6h but I don't want to mess around with that stuff.
I don't see what's wrong with the Lumia 920 weight complaint, either. Different people have different preferences when it comes to phone design. I, personally, prefer lighter and thinner phones so I'd probably get an 8x over a Lumia 920. Others don't mind the weight so they get the 920. Choice is good.
I know what you're saying.. But I still fuck it up. And so do most of the people I've mentioned the issue to. Again, had I not used a lightning connector for a while, I probably wouldn't even mention it. But, Apple's design IS better and I hope more cables are reversible in the future.How? The bottom of the connector has pins on it, as long as you look at it or feel it with your finger before you insert it, it should always go in correctly...
Ahh, I never bought any docks or other accessories so I guess it was less of an issue for me. Yeah, I can definitely see that being a problem.Nothing that can't be solved by buying a bunch of cables or adapters. It sucks in that every iPhone accessory I had uses the old cable type (e.g. clock radio, camera kit). There are likely new devices that use the lightning connector, or there will be at some point, but the old ones aren't broken, so why would I replace them?
Hopefully a connector adapter will work for all of the devices I already have.