

Molten Core Raider
Rise My Minions! | 04/28

New patch; new god. Plays abit wonky, will see how he fits into the meta. For those that don't follow the pro league, they enhanced it this year so there was a spring and summer split where the top 2 EU & NA teams came to a LAN for cash and the bottom teams in the league have to make it through a tournament I believe made up of the top teams from the challenger cup league to continue being a pro team in the summer split which I like. Also winner of the LAN is going down to South America to compete against some of the Brazil/LA teams.

Esport seen continues to grow and global precense so that's a good thing, their tournament's and pro league is pretty well done both last year and this. Anyone who likes LOL minus the retardedness of point in click movement I'd highly encourage trying out Smite or watching at least. Great league that's basically year around.


Molten Core Raider
Fucking finally....its been a grind from Bronze V but finally made it into Platinum tonight. For me, pretty happy considering I'm well past my prime "gaming" days and have shit depth perception heh. Still loving the game and actually really enjoy the weekend pro league stuff. 1/3rd of the games make me want to stab myself because of fucking 12 year shits but some great games as well.


Molten Core Raider
Pretty big change in the meta coming out with the upcoming patchCombo Breaker Patch Notes | 06/30 - Page 2. Can't wait, I play mages 90% of my ranked joust & Conquest and by default they will get better. Joy, been a rough season 2 with the double hunter meta...

Also...finally just hit double Plat in Conquest and Joust, not horrible considering my depth perception is shit while playing a skill shot based game heh.


Molten Core Raider
People still playing this?
Its really the only video game i play anymore to be honest. Its definitstely grown in the year i've been playing;

a) hit 10,000,000 users without ever being on steam etc so that is decent (some smurf accounts im sure etc)

b) expanded their pro league to have 3 splits during the year and worlds coming up in January (last year prize pool was well over $2M so not horrible)

c) been adding gods every month or so it seems and aren't afraid to make fairly large changes that effect the meta periodically. I've played in 3 different major meta's this year already.

I still can't believe more people from the boards don't play, i have 10 X the fun playing smite then LOL/Dota and the pro scene is done professionally enough that i actually try and watch it (fall split has more games so every plays i think 28 games each which is almost double the other 2 splits). I am at Platnium Jouster and Conquest and there isn't much toxic players but bronze-gold has a fairly decent amount.

Can add me if you ever want to play a game, turbofangz.


<Prior Amod>
I'm Tarrant220 on there. I have a group I usually play with but maybe we can team up sometime. I just started a week ago.


<Prior Amod>
I had what's probably my best arena today. I just started my second full week playing, really enjoying the game. I like Arenas.


Molten Core Raider
I had what's probably my best arena today. I just started my second full week playing, really enjoying the game. I like Arenas.
Just a warning, when I first started I loed arena and basically picked 2-3 gods and played them non stop arena for the vast majority of my levelling process (zeus & he bo). Little did I know once you get to lvl 30 to play ranked conquest, you need 15 gods mastered to even try and play it and honestly you will be raged to all ends of the earth (and rightfully so) if you don't have probably 35-40 gods mastered (that cover all the current T1 & T2 picks) because you needy to be able to pick gods for other people depending on picks/bans and pick order (ex: 90% of the time solo wants to pick last)

Arena is fun as hell but if you have any asperations of playing the game on the competitive level outside of 1v1 joust, start expanding your god pool and start learning the very basics of conquest. Jumping into ranked without a proper god pool or understanding of ranked is a way to ensure you will get a lot of toxic attitudes towards you driving you aware from competivie play which is SO much more rewarding then anything once you get up in ranked abit.

Key gods to get mastered (not all enclusive but good starts are)

(ignore spellings)

Guardians = Geb, Ymir, Sylvanus, Athena, Kheperia (ares can be amazing if you can balance being aggressive early without feeding, arena he is one of the top 3 gods in the game)

Warriors = Bellona (fuck this bitch), SWK, Tyr, Herculas

Assassians = Ao Kung, Thor, Loki, Serqet, Bastet, Awilix, Fenrir, (thanatos is fun as well but not played at high levels of play)

Hunters = Basically all of them have a spot, pretty even at the moment but definitely want Apollo, Neith, Rama, Xbal

Mages = Pretty solid core group + some changing picks depending on the winds ..... Posiden, Agni, Isis, Janus, Scylla, (Nu Wa is coming back in to favour)

Misc - Afro (typically solo mage), Change (typically solo mage), Au Pugh (solo or mid mage)

Meta is always changing but for the most part the gods above are all used in most levels of ranked play frequently. I love He bo for instance who sees almost no action in higher levels of play but I have 10,000+ kills & assists in like 575 wins on him and just for whatever click with his play style so I use him when I can.

I wont be on for the most part for another 10 days but after that will gladly run some games and give any pointers I can for anyone still learning the ropes, not a pro but I've been around the block and do decent enough.


Molten Core Raider
I had what's probably my best arena today. I just started my second full week playing, really enjoying the game. I like Arenas.
Nice kill ratio
My record was 43-0 but it was on a smurf account to be fair with he bo
Leveling up you get a werid mix of players, some good and some so horrible you want them to go back to hello kitty. I did manage a fully max level game with he bo where I was 23-1 with 85k player damage with the next person on either team having 19k, I got a penta and was oh so happy.


<Prior Amod>
Just a warning, when I first started I loed arena and basically picked 2-3 gods and played them non stop arena for the vast majority of my levelling process (zeus & he bo). Little did I know once you get to lvl 30 to play ranked conquest, you need 15 gods mastered to even try and play it and honestly you will be raged to all ends of the earth (and rightfully so) if you don't have probably 35-40 gods mastered (that cover all the current T1 & T2 picks) because you needy to be able to pick gods for other people depending on picks/bans and pick order (ex: 90% of the time solo wants to pick last)

Arena is fun as hell but if you have any asperations of playing the game on the competitive level outside of 1v1 joust, start expanding your god pool and start learning the very basics of conquest. Jumping into ranked without a proper god pool or understanding of ranked is a way to ensure you will get a lot of toxic attitudes towards you driving you aware from competivie play which is SO much more rewarding then anything once you get up in ranked abit.

Key gods to get mastered (not all enclusive but good starts are)

(ignore spellings)

Guardians = Geb, Ymir, Sylvanus, Athena, Kheperia (ares can be amazing if you can balance being aggressive early without feeding, arena he is one of the top 3 gods in the game)

Warriors = Bellona (fuck this bitch), SWK, Tyr, Herculas

Assassians = Ao Kung, Thor, Loki, Serqet, Bastet, Awilix, Fenrir, (thanatos is fun as well but not played at high levels of play)

Hunters = Basically all of them have a spot, pretty even at the moment but definitely want Apollo, Neith, Rama, Xbal

Mages = Pretty solid core group + some changing picks depending on the winds ..... Posiden, Agni, Isis, Janus, Scylla, (Nu Wa is coming back in to favour)

Misc - Afro (typically solo mage), Change (typically solo mage), Au Pugh (solo or mid mage)

Meta is always changing but for the most part the gods above are all used in most levels of ranked play frequently. I love He bo for instance who sees almost no action in higher levels of play but I have 10,000+ kills & assists in like 575 wins on him and just for whatever click with his play style so I use him when I can.

I wont be on for the most part for another 10 days but after that will gladly run some games and give any pointers I can for anyone still learning the ropes, not a pro but I've been around the block and do decent enough.
I know about the whole Gods thing and have 12 mastered right now.


<Prior Amod>
I wish I could have played him before his nurf. I've been playing a lot of slyvanis as of late when grouped with friends. I'm thinking of buying a season pass so I can go for the robot skin. It'll take a long time to get though at 10,000 points.


Molten Core Raider
Just started playing this with my brother -- add me "eidal12345" if you're up for playing with level 10 newbs.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Game is now on Steam. I am sure tons of new players, such as myself, are finally getting around to trying it out. It seems pretty fun. The price is right at 'free'.

I am not sure they are doing themselves a service by calling themselves a moba and essentially competing with DOTA and LOL. I doesn't feel much like a moba in the traditional sense and that is ok. Feels more like RPG-Team-Fortress.


Molten Core Raider
Game is now on Steam. I am sure tons of new players, such as myself, are finally getting around to trying it out. It seems pretty fun. The price is right at 'free'.

I am not sure they are doing themselves a service by calling themselves a moba and essentially competing with DOTA and LOL. I doesn't feel much like a moba in the traditional sense and that is ok. Feels more like RPG-Team-Fortress.
Pretty much the same core concepts of LOL/DOTA just a lot more fast paced and control (natural control not clicking 1,000's per second with your stupid pointer). Laning phases, objectives, variety of build options, etc. I'd agree with you where Gigantic for instance definitely is abit more towards what you mentioned but Smite just took all the great Moba concepts and actually made the gameplay feel natural for the most part. Plus the competitive scene is similar (smaller of course) with year long season/championships, very professional commentares and production value etc. I used to wonder how anyone could waste time "watching" someone play a video game instead of playing but anymore I try and catch all the pro games Thursday/Sat/Sun.

Anyway, turbofangz ingame for any new players who want to join me for a few games. If you are newer I can help explain some of the conquest tactics/meta etc, not a pro by any means but I am plat in both joust/conquest so I have at least a decent fundamental understanding of the game.