

<Silver Donator>
Just recently fired this up on the PS4, played through the tutorial and my first Co-Op match. The controls take some getting used to but it seems like a pretty cool game. I like the different maps/modes.


Molten Core Raider
I really enjoy it on the PC and have a lot of time invested over the last year or two so i never tried out the PS4. Still really enjoying the game, just went on a 17-1 win streak in ranked 3v3 (90% solo queues) which is just about impossible due to the amount of fucking morons out there.I was pretty happy to say the least.

If you haven't you might check out the pro matches on twitch; they have xbox and a much larger PC leauge that they do a really solid job on producing and running it I think (i watch LOL occasionaly as well but just hate the game plus even though actual production is awesome for LOL i think their panels and announcers are so off putting; Smite has some good solid personalities that have been around the game almost the entire time and don't take themselves too serious so it translates into pretty good casts. All sorts of drama going into Season 3 SPL with huge roster changes and new teams, its just been crazy.

I'll have to check out the PS4 and see if my mad Zeus skills transfer over (avergaging 17 kills a game over 300 games, if i just could keep my feed down!)


Molten Core Raider
Oh no fuck? Thank god, he was really the only "bad" guy. F-dot is abit cliche of an announcer but if he is paired with someone who is more technically sound on the game he does bring more of a real world sports announcer feel to it abiet abit cheesy. Other then that i never had much complaints of the casting team, i watch a decent amount of matches but honestly I don't understand their new schedule. Unless i'm missing something their view rates are no where near last years and the time is when people are working on Monday's, Thursdays and Fridays so i'm not sure if they just assume their player/viewer base is nerd strong and don't have jobs or.....


<Gold Donor>
Hey Turbo, I am considering getting back into this game. I am flirting with LOL but I don't think it will last long. Smite just came way easier to me than LOL probably because it was like WoW/FPS. I will hollar at you for some games soon.


Molten Core Raider
Smite streamer leaves Hi-Rez after controversial comments about suicide

Hahah wow....i mean how stupid can you be. I fully get losing your shit sometimes but on something so innocent and tabu? Fuck man, what a moron. Granted, in a heated fit of rage I told the GM of all of North America (one of my vendors) that if his fucking development manager touched my mission critical $5M live system again without my sign off i'd burn his fucking house down so I guess i can't completely throw stones BUT man this rant makes me look like a saint!

Good riddanance, maybe they will bring Hi-Rez Kelly into the light if she isn't hitting her head under Bart's desk.


Molten Core Raider
Also just read this on patch notes; thats awesome. I love anything they do to have some accountabiliity. Clearly trolls can abuse but as long as they don't take action unless a trend of reports its all good (minus cases of clear abuse). Toxic world just is a downward spiral, i try to stay positive but its crazy how fast you can get caught up in it. I got supsended this last week for the first time ever out of the blue and i'm 99% sure its because I told like a 1-14 feeder that cost me my ranked promo in which i was 14-1 i think that I hoped his dad didn't use lube when he butt fucked him that night.

And to be completely frank, i'm glad I got suspended because if they are doing that and people are more active about reporting it it will clean it up for everyone. Games can be so great in ranked when everyone is communicating and sure its ok to get mad if you lose but the constant retards getting away with bullshit gets so old. A few weeks ago i was in a bad mood and was pretty pissy with some morons in ranked games which usually results in you playing bad but i said i'd play until i lose and went on a 17-1 win streak before a DC cost me. So sometimes the negative energy works!

Reported Player Notifications
Players will now receive a notification when someone they have reported had action taken against their account.


I really hope they clean it up. Arena was fine. I stayed there a lot. The game mode is actually quite fun. Every time I would venture in to ranked I would get stuck playing tank. It's fine, I don't mind support. I would then toss a half health guy backwards in to my full health full mana carry and they would cry and call me names and blame a loss on me. This happened like 4 times in a row for me.

Their ranking system has a lot of issues, or it did last year. Even though my life KDR is way over .500 (With Freya I think I'm like 15ish kills per death) I had to try and do my qualification matches with these bottom feeders who blame everything in life on someone else. It was annoying. Like all I want to do is get through my qualification matches.

Paragon is adding 10% speed across the board so we shall see how that goes, if it doesn't shape up I might go back to Smite.

I don't really watch the new big time matches. I remember when I used to watch more streams from work that DMBrandon was the biggest douche nozzle on the Smite official stream. He was that guy who would literally tell his team mates to go die in a fire and rage all the time on the Smite official stream. Then they brought him on full time as an employee. No clue who at Hi-Rez is retarded but that was a bad move.


Molten Core Raider
True but if you are a paid representive of the company their are certain levels of conduct you have to adhere to particularly when you are a public figure. I hate all the PC bullshit in the world today and think people get worried about way too much shit but end of the day there is a time and place and that sure as fuck wasn't a good one to view those opinions particularly in the manner he did. I'd fire anyone who works for me if they ever fucking said that to a "customer" in the spot regardless if he was a good employee let alone had a track record of it.

I'm downloading paragon to try the new movement speed as that was always holding me back from giving it a true chance. Smite is 10 X as fluid and I feel i always have a chance to make a sick 1v2 etc play with skill where Paragon it just never felt I had the mobility/tools to pull that shit off. Then again if i get 1 more idiot like I did last night i might just get banned pementantly and move on! Sad to see my 10k kill 10k assist 600 game He bo go out with a ban but all legends must die!


Molten Core Raider
Soar vs Panthera for Dream Hack championship on twitch at 2:30 AM. Cheering for Soar but Panthera destroyed Eager pretty bad so i'm not overly optimistic.

Trying to get to plat in 3v3 then going to start doing conquest again. Buff my fucking He Bo just abit please!~!!


Molten Core Raider
How does this play on PS4? I should check it out.
I've been on PC forever and tried briefly on the PS4. I didn't like the lack of control but to be fair i hardly ever touch my ps4 so i'm not exactly comfortable with the controls. I play with a naga mouse and have all my abilities on my mouse which is the only way i can play.

PS4 player base looks like its picking up and they have the offical league for it as well. I've tried the newer games out and just can't begin to get into them like smite for some reason.


Molten Core Raider
Well i finally hit platnium in 3v3 joust, what a fucking pain. Its just hard enough that you can't reliably carry if you get a moron or two on your team because you snow ball so fast. My goal for this year is to try and hit plat in solo joust, 3v3 joust and conquest so 1/3rd complete! Just started in CQ abit and am at gold 5 but its going to be a bumpy ride to platnium I can tell.

I play mage (85%) and support (15%) so if anyone wants to do some rank games feel free to hit me up on TurboFangz.


Molten Core Raider
Fuck me....

My original account just got banned, fucking 11k kill 11k assists < 650 win He Bo GONE~ Had 8 mages diamond X with 4 of them over 3k kills

And irony is, i told myself i wasn't going to play all of July so i had one last play session at the start of the month where i took Jin Yi for like 10 matches into arena and just jumped out of base onto the team 1v5 the entire time. Usually started carrying at the end and got 2 penta's but fed my fucking brains out. Hadn't logged on since but just went to check something today and fucking account says it was banned even though no reason or email.

I have 2 smurfs at lvl 30 but meh, feels bad man. FEELS BAD~!

Should use this as a reason to go focus my time on another game but Smite's the only thing outside of an MMO i can get vested in. Did the mobile game thing abit but quickly realized i am WAY to competitive of a person to play a game where you can use cash to get ahead. Dropped fucking a few thousand on Medal masters to be the top guy in all of Global (to be fair i was beating people who spent 10k+) before i realized thats a BAD IDEA FRIENDS.

La sigh....I did run a new smite account and play a match, went 50-0 it was so awesome. Had like 3 penta's in one game.


<Gold Donor>
Sorry to hear about the ban, but who are you kidding? I am sure you know why you were banned. Come on...tell us the story.